Rolling Five-Year Development Evaluation Work Plan 2014-2015 - 2018-2019

June 2014

Table of Contents

List of Abbreviations

Country Development Programming Framework
Network on Development Evaluation of the Development Assistance Committee (of the OECD)
Department of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development
Financial Administration Act
Global Issues and Development Branch
Multilateral Organizations Performance Assessment Network
Development Assistance Committee of the Organization for Economic Development and Cooperation
Partnerships for Development Innovation
Treasury Board
Treasury Board Secretariat

Executive Summary

The present Rolling Five-Year Development Evaluation Work Plan (hereafter, the Plan) identifies corporate evaluations scheduled for FY 2014-2015 to FY 2018-2019, with a focus on FY 2014-2015. The Plan also includes, for information, a list of Branch-led evaluations planned for FY 2014-2015.

In 2013, the Development Evaluation Division conducted an in-depth review of DFATD's development evaluation universe Footnote 1 with the intention of ensuring full evaluation coverage of the Department's direct program spending over 5 years and this plan has been developed to achieve that requirement.

Planned Evaluation Work - FY 2014-2015

In FY 2014-2015, the Development Evaluation Division will initiate and/or complete the following evaluations:

Equally important, the Development Evaluation Division will:


If fully executed, this work plan would require an operations and management (O&M) budget of $2.7 million for FY 2014-2015, and a salary budget of $1.8 million for 19 full-time equivalents (FTEs).

This work plan puts forward the completion of 18 corporate evaluations in 2014-2015, 8 of which were initiated in 2013-2014.

Experience indicates that slippage will occur in an evaluation work plan executed in diverse low income and fragile states, due to a combination of unpredictable security and scheduling constraints, and contracting delays. For this reason, the practice instituted in 2013-14 of over-planning the number of evaluations to mitigate slippage and ensure full execution of allocated budget will be continued this year.

1.0 Background

1.1 Introduction

The scope and content of this Plan is consistent with the requirements of the 2006 Financial Administration Act (FAA) and the 2009 Treasury Board (TB) Policy on Evaluation. The Plan proposes an approach that will position DFATD's Development Evaluation Division to achieve 100% evaluation coverage of development grants and contributions and direct program spending as required by the FAA and the 2009 TB Policy on Evaluation, while contributing to the Department's learning and decision making needs. Footnote 4

1.2 Context

There is strong demand, from both expert constituencies and the general public, for credible assessment of the results of international aid expenditure. Responding to this fundamental accountability requirement will remain a central purpose of the development evaluation function.

At the same time, there is an increasing commitment to innovation in DFATD's development programming - a purposeful effort to design, pilot and scale up the most effective and cost efficient ways of pursuing poverty reduction. In this environment, program planners and managers need timely feedback on what works well, in what circumstances and why. Providing such learning is the second and increasingly important aim of both corporate and Branch-led development evaluation at DFATD.

The Speech from the Throne in October 2013 highlighted the Government's commitment to helping the world's neediest by partnering with the private sector to create economic growth in the developing world. It also emphasized the achievement of concrete results and ensuring that foreign aid continues to be "focused, effective and accountable". Canada's leadership in the Commission on Information and Accountability for Women's and Children's Health is an example of efforts being made to show global leadership on results achievement, effectiveness and accountability.

The Government of Canada continues to encourage departments to use evaluation to strengthen programs. In line with the Financial Administration Act (FAA), the 2009 Treasury Board Policy on Evaluation requires that 100% of direct program spending be evaluated over a five-year cycle. The TB Policy on Evaluation also encourages the use of flexible evaluation approaches guided by risk, scale, and scope. It requires departments to develop a strategically focused evaluation plan that is founded on an assessment of evaluation risk, departmental priorities, and government priorities.

1.3 International Year of Evaluation - 2015

EvalPartners, a global movement to strengthen national evaluation capacities, has designated 2015 as the International Year of Evaluation as a way of advocating for evaluation and evidence-based policy making at international, regional, national and local levels. There will be a thematic focus on inclusion and innovation in evaluation during this year.

The UN General Assembly is expected to endorse 2015 as the International Year of Evaluation, with a primary aim of promoting enabling environments and capacity for evaluation in all member countries. This has particular implications for the Development Evaluation Division, as there will be an expectation of increased engagement with developing country evaluation functions for program evaluations in their countries.

In 2005, the Paris Declaration on Aid Effectiveness articulated a consensus on reforming donor and developing country approaches to delivering and using aid for better development results. The 2008 Accra Agenda for Action further built on the Paris Declaration by promoting policies and actions that improve transparency and accountability in strengthening aid effectiveness. Efforts to promote the Paris Declaration principles within the field of evaluation have continued with increasing numbers of country-led and joint evaluations. Other global trends include enhancing local evaluative capacities; promoting peer review and knowledge exchange; ensuring the identification of good practices, and adhering to recognized international standards in evaluation.

2.0 DFATD's Development Evaluation Function

2.1 DFATD Context

In July 2013, a decision was made to amalgamate the Canadian International Development Agency and the Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade. The new Department of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development (DFATD) was created. The two evaluation units that existed previously in the separate departments will be maintained in the coming year, with broadly unchanged focus and scope of work. One unit will focus on evaluating foreign affairs and trade-related initiatives and the other on development programming.

The Development Evaluation Division is part of the new Strategic Policy Branch of DFATD. It leads corporate evaluations, and provides Canadians, Parliamentarians, Ministers, central agencies, partners, beneficiaries and DFATD's management with credible, neutral, and evidence-based assessments of the relevance and performance of the Department's development strategies, programs and projects.

DFATD has a Development Evaluation Committee comprised of six external experts and five DFATD senior executives (including the Deputy Minister of International Development, who chairs the committee). This Committee acts as an advisory body to the Deputy Minister on development evaluation activities.

Program branches fund and manage their own project level evaluations, for which the Development Evaluation Division provides technical advice and quality assurance services. These evaluations typically cover investments below the sub program level of the Program Alignment Architecture, and because they are intended to benefit development partners, are funded from the Aid Budget, as per DFATD's Terms and Conditions for International Development Assistance.

Both corporate and branch-led evaluations contract external consultants for some aspects of evaluation execution. In the case of corporate evaluation, it is for data gathering and analysis, primarily in the field, while overall design, final reports and recommendations are often prepared in house.

The current Plan covers both corporate and branch-led evaluations, including some multi-donor initiatives, with respective responsibilities outlined below.

2.2 Responsibilities of the Development Evaluation Division

The Development Evaluation Division is responsible for:

2.3 Responsibilities of Program Branches

Program branches are responsible for:

3.0 Developing the Work Plan

3.1 Key considerations

Several considerations were taken into account when developing DFATD's development evaluation work plan for FY 2014-2015:

As in 2013-14, the number of planned evaluations has been set at a slightly higher level than allocated budget resources would actually support, understanding that slippage can be expected in actual execution for a variety of reasons including security and scheduling constraints in target countries, and some unpredictability in contracting processes.

3.2 Coverage, Sequencing and Risk Analysis

In 2012/2013, the Development Evaluation Division conducted an in-depth review of DFATD's evaluation universe in order to ensure full evaluation coverage of the Department's direct developmental program spending over 5 years; a plan was developed to meet the 100% coverage requirement by 2017-2018.

At the same time, an examination of sequencing of evaluations was undertaken so that their usefulness and value would be optimized. As recommended by the Treasury Board Secretariat, sequencing was informed by considering a combination of needs and evaluation risks.Footnote 6 This assessment remains valid and continues to be reviewed during regular discussions with programme branches.

The proposed sequencing of evaluations in the current five-year cycle is outlined in Table 1. A description of the Department's evaluation universe can be found in Table 5.

3.3 Evaluations carried over from 2013-2014

Some evaluations are implemented over multiple fiscal years, sometimes due to scale and complexity, or because they are initiated later in a given fiscal year and can only be completed in the next. In addition to the planned evaluations described in Section 4 of this document, in 2014-2015 the Development Evaluation Division will complete several evaluations carried over from 2013-2014. These include:

Table 1: Evaluations carried over from 2013-2014
EvaluationExpected Completion Date Footnote 7Rationale
HaitiMay 2014Complex evaluation that has required extensive consultation with branches and other government departments and has faced some contracting issues.
AfghanistanMay 2014Implementation was delayed due to contracting issues.
IndonesiaMay 2014Implementation was delayed due to contracting issues.
West Bank/GazaOctober 2014Initiated in 2013 and due to be completed in 2014.
Mozambique/TanzaniaOctober 2014Initiated in 2013 and due to be completed in 2014.
Ethiopia/GhanaOctober 2014Initiated in 2013 and due to be completed in 2014.
Inter-American Development BankMay 2014Initiated in 2013 and due to be completed in 2014.
International Fund for Agricultural DevelopmentMay 2014Initiated in 2013 and due to be completed in 2014.

4.0 Planned Evaluations for FY 2014-2015

4.1 Countries of Focus and Modest Presence

The main emphasis will be on DFATD's 20 countries of focus, where at least 80% of bilateral resources are spent. In FY 2014-2015, the Development Evaluation Division will follow through on two pilot "country cluster evaluations" - Mozambique/Tanzania and Ethiopia/Ghana - where there are sectoral and programmatic similarities. This approach will allow thematic review and comparison of lessons within clusters - health and food security, respectively.

The Indonesia country program evaluation and the evaluation of the Canada Investment Fund for Africa, initiated in 2012-2013, will be completed in 2014-2015 and a country program evaluation for Bangladesh will be initiated.

In 2014-2015, a cluster evaluation of several modest presence countries in the Americas, the Middle East and Asia will examine thematic programming on children and youth, sustainable economic growth, and food securityFootnote 8.

4.2 Fragile States

The evaluations of Afghanistan and Haiti, both initiated in 2012-2013, will be completed by mid-2014-2015. An evaluation of West Bank and Gaza was initiated late in 2013-2014 and will also be completed in 2014-2015. The feasibility of updating the joint donor evaluation of South Sudan will also be examined, with a potential focus on lessons and guidance for future programming in this fragile context, as well as a case study of MNCH programming to support the corporate MNCH evaluation. Among others, these evaluations will examine the extent to which fragile state programming aligns with the OECD/DAC Principles for Good International Engagement in Fragile States and Situations. These principles direct international interventions in fragile states towards governance and state building for long-term stability.

4.3 Global Issues and Development

The Global Issues and Development Branch finances and supports a large number of international institutions and funds. The Development Evaluation Division has applied the DAC EvalNet methodology to assess the development effectiveness of these organizations using their own performance reporting and evaluation data. The approach, intended to be done jointly among donors, allows for coverage of a high number of institutions over a short period, at reasonable cost to each donor and with the leverage to affect needed changes.

Canada is also playing an active role in another donor network that measures the development effectiveness of multilateral organizations - the Multilateral Organisation Performance Assessment Network (MOPAN). An examination of the extent to which the DAC EvalNet and MOPAN methodologies are complementary was carried out in FY 2013-14. Consideration of greater coordination, and possible integration, of the two assessment approaches will be pursued in 2014-15, with a significant role being played by the Development Evaluation Division.

In FY 2014-15, the Development Evaluation Division will finalise reviews of the Inter-American Development Bank and the International Fund for Agricultural Development, and initiate reviews of the United Nations Population Fund and the International Organisation of la Francophonie.

4.4 Partnerships for Development Innovation

The new Partnerships for Development Innovation (PDI) Branch (formerly the Partnerships with Canadians Branch) is currently responsible for two sub-programs of DFATD's PAA - Partners for Development and Global Citizens; the former accounts for about 90% of PDI spending. Since 2010 it has operated through calls for proposals.

Given that the Chief Audit Executive will examine the proposal call process itself in 2014, the Development Evaluation Division will evaluate the relevance and effectiveness of the results from those calls since 2010. Any evidence of innovative approaches and/or partnerships that may have been achieved during that time will be captured. This is intended to inform the renewed mandate of this Branch to foster innovative approaches to poverty reduction.

4.5 Process Evaluations

In 2014-2015, a meta-evaluation will be initiated to assess the quality of Branch-led evaluations. As well, the annual report on the State of Performance Measurement will be prepared.

4.6 Horizontal Evaluations

Following the completion of an Evaluability Assessment of Canada's Contribution to the Maternal, Newborn and Child Health Initiative in 2013-14, a formative evaluation of this Initiative is planned for FY 2014-2015. This evaluation will assess progress to date and provide key lessons and recommendations to support evidence-based decision-making on policy, expenditure management and program improvement.

Following a Portfolio Review of DFATD's Natural Resource Governance Projects, which formed part of the evaluation of the Government of Canada's Corporate Social Responsibility Strategy for the Canadian International Extractive Sector, a thematic evaluation of projects related to natural resource governance and the extractive industry will be considered, beginning with an evaluability assessment.

The Development Evaluation Division will participate in the interdepartmental evaluation of the Canadian HIV Vaccine Initiative. This six-year initiative (2007/08 to 2012/13) received $139 million in funding from several Government of Canada departments and $28 million from the Gates Fundation. DFATD's contribution amounted to nearly $60 million. The evaluation will be led by Health Canada/Public Health Agency in collaboration with the Canadian Institutes of Health Research, Industry Canada and DFATD.

5.0 Additional Development Evaluation Division Activities for FY 2014-2015

5.1 Support to Branch-led Evaluations

The Development Evaluation Division will:

5.2 Review of Country Program Evaluation Methodology

In 2013-2014, the Development Evaluation Division completed a review of the current methodology for country program evaluations. This review was endorsed by the Development Evaluation Committee in January 2014. The next step will be the preparation of renewed guidance and tools, to be completed by December 2014.

5.3 Commitments in Treasury Board Submissions

Over the past few years there have been several evaluation commitments made in Treasury Board Submissions to obtain approval for major initiatives. Four of the 19 evaluation commitments made to Treasury Board Secretariat between 2006-2007 and 2013-2014 are the responsibility of the Development Evaluation Division. The remaining evaluation commitments are the responsibility of the program branches. Table 4 presents a list of these evaluation commitments.

5.4 Optimizing the Use and Knowledge Benefits from Evaluations

Development evaluations at DFATD create a source of credible and neutral information, which feed into strategic reviews, renewals of terms and conditions, Treasury Board submissions, the Report on Plans and Priorities, the Departmental Performance Reports, and Memoranda to Cabinet. They also inform decision making on investments and program improvement.

While DFATD has traditionally benefited from an evaluative culture, there remains a need to optimize the use of findings, recommendations and lessons learned from evaluations. The Development Evaluation Division will review its approach to the use and dissemination of evaluation knowledge and will finalise a guide that seeks to increase the use of evaluation findings, recommendations and lessons learned, both within and outside the Department.

The second Report on Lessons Learned from Development Evaluations will be produced in order to ensure the wide dissemination of evaluation knowledge in 2014. This report communicates key lessons derived from corporate evaluations and presents one-page summaries of the evaluations reviewed.

In 2014-2015, the Development Evaluation Division will:

5.5 Neutral Assessment of DFATD evaluation functions

In 2014-15, a neutral assessment of DFATD's evaluation functions will be carried out as part of the Department's compliance with the TB Policy on Evaluation. This assessment will examine the level of compliance with the Policy, the use of evaluation evidence, and the extent of coherence between decentralized and corporate development evaluation.

5.6 Corporate Engagement

Support and input will be provided to corporate-level initiatives, such as: the Departmental Performance Report; the Report on Plans and Priorities; and Management Accountability Framework. The DFATD Program Committee will be engaged in periodic review of the status of implementation of corporate evaluation recommendations.

5.7 Strategic Alliances and Country Capacity

Constructive working relationships with the Foreign Affairs and Trade Evaluation Division, and the Treasury Board Secretariat's Centre of Excellence for Evaluation will be maintained. More active participation in the Canadian Evaluation Society and the possibility of introducing their accredited evaluator designation as an asset qualification in RFP processes will be pursued.

Internationally, the Development Evaluation Division will focus its engagement with the Network on Development Evaluation of the Development Assistance Committee (of the OECD) in order to remain abreast of emerging thinking in the field of international development evaluation. It will also play an active role in the Multilateral Organisation Performance Assessment Network (MOPAN) as a member of its Technical Working Group and Steering Committee, with a view to promoting the uptake of an integrated methodology to assess the development effectiveness of multilateral organizations.

On-going relationships with the Nordic + Evaluation Group and 3ie (a network on impact evaluation) will continue. The EvalPartners initiative to build evaluation capacity in developing countries will be monitored, and the Development Evaluation Division will seek approval for a modest contribution to a multi donor initiative focused on a targeted sub-set of those countries.

Ongoing engagement with these communities of practice is important to maintain and strengthen Canadian leadership in development evaluation, and to ensure continuing exposure to emerging good practices and approaches.

6.0 Program Branches' Evaluation Plans for FY 2014-2015

Program branches conduct evaluations to improve the effectiveness of projects and programs that benefit developing countries.

The following section describes the evaluation activities planned by the branches during the FY 2014-2015 period. Branch-led activities complement the Development Evaluation Division's work by providing performance assessments, monitoring data, and other relevant information.

6.1 Geographic Program Branches - Branch-led Evaluations Planned for FY 2014-2015

Monitoring, evaluation and reporting is ongoing in the various geographic programs branches. The list below provides a provisional plan for FY 2014-2015.

Table 2: Americas
BoliviaSupporting Agro-Industrial Production and Exports
Active Communities for Healthy Mothers and Children in Bolivia
CaribbeanDisaster Risk Management - Health Sector
Caribbean Disaster Risk Management Program
Partnership for CARICOM Private Sector Development
Caribbean Local Economic Development
Promotion of Regional Opportunities for Produce through Enterprise and Linkages
Central America (Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua)Sectoral Support Fund
ColombiaAssistance to Landmine Survivors
Protecting the Rights of Conflict-Affected and Vulnerable Children and Youth
HaitiServices semi-autonomes en électricité
Coopération volontaire en appui à la gouvernance et à l'éducation - phase II
Prise en charge intégrée de la santé de la mère et de l'enfant dans l'Artibonite
Projet d'appui technique en Haiti
Inter-AmericanOAS Cooperation Plan
Improved Health and Increased Protection from Communicable Diseases for Women, Children and Excluded Populations in Situation of Vulnerability in Latin America and the Caribbean
Strengthening the Role of Parliaments In Democratic Governance
HondurasClustered evaluation of Food Security/Rural Development projects:
  1. Food Security in the Nacaome and Goascoran Watersheds (PRASA)
  2. Strengthening Food Security in the Poorest Municipalities
  3. Promoting Food Security in the Choluteca and Rio Negro Watersheds (PROSADE)
Clustered evaluation of Value-Chain projects, covering:
  1. Sustainable Management of Forestry Resources in Honduras
  2. Promoting High-Value Cacao Agroforestry Systems
  3. Sustainable Coffee Production
Prevention and Control of Chagas and Leishmaniasis Diseases
NicaraguaSupport to the Productive Rural Development Sector Program (PRORURAL)
PeruStrengthening Regional Governments for Social and Economic Development (ProGobernabilidad)
Table 3: Africa - Southern and Eastern
EthiopiaBenishangul-Gumuz Food Security and Economic Growth
Market-based Solutions for Improved Livelihoods
KenyaSustainable School Feeding in Kenya
MozambiqueSupport for Education Materials in Mozambique
Support to Ministry of Health PROSAUDE
Promotion of a Literate Environment
Community-Based Health Training Practice
Pan Africa Regional ProgramInstitutional Support to the African Medical and Research Foundation
Parliamentary Centre
Enablis East Africa
South AfricaSouth Africa HIV/AIDS Response Fund
Epidemiological Modelling for HIV/AIDS
South SudanBuilding Community Resilience
Table 4: Africa - West
MaliStrengthening the Decentralized Health Systems
Health Workers Training (DECLIC)
Support to agricultural networks in Mali (PAFA)
GhanaFood Security and Environment Facility (FSEF)
Table 5: Asia Pacific
BangladeshHealth, Population and Nutrition Development Program (SWAP)
Joint GoB-UN Maternal and Neonatal Health
Health for Human Resources
Institutional Support for International Centre for Diarrhoeal Disease Research, Bangladesh (ISICDDR, B)
Strengthening Comptrollership and Oversight of Public Expenditure, SCOPE
BurmaBuilding Social Capital - Burma Border Assistance Program
IndonesiaAgroforestry and Forestry in Sulawesi: Linking Knowledge with Actions
Canada Indonesia Private Sector Enterprise Development (CIPSED)
Better Approaches to Service Provision
Environmental Governance (EGSL)
Support to Indonesia's Islands of Integrity
Restoring Coastal Livelihoods (RCL)
PakistanFinancial Literacy and Business Development Services for Women
Community Infrastructure Improvement
VietnamSoc Trang Small and Medium-Sized Enterprise Development
Ha Tinh Agricultural Development
Table 6: Europe - Middle East
EgyptDecent Employment for Youth Project
MoroccoSupport to School Management in Morocco
MENAMENA MSME Technical Assistance Facility
Ukraine2012 Elections programming
West Bank & GazaImproved Framework Conditions for Palestinian Businesses
Capacity Development in Forensic Science and Medicine
Capacity Development for Facilitating Palestinian Trade (PalTrade)
Export Development in the West Bank UNCTAD

6.2 Partnerships for Development Innovation- Branch-led Evaluations Planned for FY 2014-2015

The Partnerships for Development Innovation (PDI) Branch maintains a Rolling Four-Year Evaluation Plan. The 2014-2015 to 2017-2018 Plan focuses on the implementation of two types of Branch-led evaluations: specific project evaluations on an exceptional basis (for example, in the case of Treasury Board requirements) and group thematic evaluations.

Group thematic evaluations comparatively assess several projects related to the same development theme or addressing the same development problem. Since these evaluations are not limited to a single project, organization or country, their findings are applicable across country contexts, they interest a broad range of development actors, and they provide greater benefit to people in developing countries because they produce broad learning and recommendations applicable to many situations and contexts.

For FY 2014-2015, Partnerships for Development Innovation plans to execute the following group thematic evaluations in programming areas of priority for the Department:

In FY 2014-2015, PDI also plans to initiate the process to undertake selected group thematic evaluations of projects chosen for funding in December 2011 through the "Under $2 Million" Call for Proposals. In the context of Calls for Proposals, this comparative approach to evaluation will enable PDI to identify and promote the most successful practices applied by partners to deliver development results on the ground, and apply these findings to selection mechanisms and criteria for future programming.

The programming areas that will be assessed through the group thematic evaluations of the "Under $2 Million" Call for Proposals will reflect the thematic focus of funding approved under the entire Call focusing on strategic sub-themes that offer promising opportunities for learning and knowledge sharing.

Partnerships for Development Innovation will also execute the following specific project performance evaluations in FY 2014-2015 principally to meet specific evaluation commitments to Treasury Board:

6.3 Global Issues and Development Branch (MFM) - Branch-led Evaluations Planned for FY 2014-2015

Global Issues and Development Branch (MFM) engages in three distinct types of development and humanitarian programming and therefore engages in three distinct approaches to evaluations.

Long-term Institutional Support

Canada, both as a member of the governing board and through direct consultation with the institution, participates actively alongside other donors in evaluation processes, including reviewing evaluations and providing direction on recommendations. Examples of evaluations being completed by our partners in 2014-2015 include:

Overarching assessments of key partners, such as through the Multilateral Organisation Performance Assessment Network (MOPAN) and multi-donor Development Effectiveness Reviews, provide further opportunities for dialogue and comparison.

Global Initiatives

Each global initiative supported by DFATD has a strong monitoring and reporting component. These evaluations generally take the form of a mid-term and final evaluation. In most cases, the evaluation is conducted by the partner. DFATD, and other donors, frequently play a role in the process but the relationship is supportive rather than prescriptive. In a few instances, DFATD conducts the evaluation. Examples of evaluations of global initiatives taking place in 2014-2015 supported by the Branch include:

International Humanitarian Assistance

Although DFATD supports evaluations conducted by our humanitarian partners on their programming, DFATD also supports system-wide learning, to determine better how the humanitarian response system as a whole is meeting identified needs. The Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA), conducts evaluations to promote transparency, accountability and learning through systematic and objective judgments about the relevance, efficiency, effectiveness and impact of humanitarian interventions.

DFATD also supports specific learning and evaluation mechanisms, such as the Active Learning Network for Accountability and Performance in Humanitarian Action (ALNAP). In almost all instances, DFATD's NGO partners include monitoring and evaluation as part of the project - this pertains to both emergency response and complex humanitarian initiatives. In some cases, DFATD conducts an evaluation. In addition to real-time evaluations following a crisis, examples of evaluations being undertaken in 2014-2015 include:

The list below provides a provisional plan for FY 2014-2015 evaluations for which the Global Issues and Development Branch is directly involved.

Table 7: Plan for FY 2014-2015 evaluations
EvaluationEvaluation TypeStart Date
Evaluation of Canadian Food-Grains BankFinal Evaluation2014
Nutrition and Health Integration for Maternal, Newborn and Child Health (Micronutrient Initiative)Endline Evaluation2014
Accelerating Progress in Maternal and Newborn Health (H4+)Final Evaluation2014
Global Environment FacilityGender Equality Institutional Assessment2014
Canadian HIV Vaccine Initiative (CHVI)Project Evaluation2014
Agenda for Action on Women, Girls and HIV (UNAIDS)Final Evaluation2015

7.0 Budget

In 2012-13 there was under execution of actual vs. planned budget for evaluation. This arose from, among other reasons, postponed field missions (security and embassy constraints) and contracting delays.

The 2013-14 evaluation work plan was therefore purposely constructed at a level of activity 20% greater than the expected budget, on the reasoning that some level of slippage would inevitably occur across a portfolio of evaluations in diverse low income and fragile contexts.

As a result, the overall level of realized evaluation activity in 2013-14 increased over the previous year, and planned budgets for salary, and operations and maintenance (O&M) were fully executed. It is proposed to carry on with this modest over planning in 2014-15.

A total of 12 corporate development evaluations were underway or completed in 2013-14. A total of 18 evaluations are planned for 2014/15, with 8 ongoing and 10 new evaluations.

7.1 Non-Salary O&M

A budget of $2.7 million is planned for FY 2014-2015 in order to implement ongoing and proposed new evaluations. This covers the costs of engaging external professional expertise, and other non-salary costs including staff travel and translation.

7.2 Salary Budget

For 2014-15 the Development Evaluation Division has a planned salary budget of $1.8 million and a staff complement of 19 full-time equivalents (FTEs): the Director, 17 evaluators and 1 administrative support staff.

Select Organization: Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development Canada (incl. EDC)
Identify PAA used: 2013-2014
Spending Source Used (include Year): Main Estimates (2014-15)
Identify total organizational spending ($) (e.g. Total Budget Main Estimates, Total Expenditures of the Public Accounts, etc.): $3,039,696,666.00

Table 8: Five Year Evaluation Schedule
IdentifierLink to PAAFootnote 9 #(s)Proposed Title of the EvaluationIdentify Policy on Evaluation Coverage Requirement:Horizontal Evaluation (Indicate No/Lead/ Participant)Footnote 10Involves Public Opinion ResearchFootnote 11Date Last Evaluated (Deputy Head Approval Date) (M/Y)Planned Evaluation Start Date (M/Y)Planned Deputy Head Approval Date (M/Y)Estimated G&C Value ($)Footnote 12 Footnote 13Estimated ValueFootnote 14 (Including Gs&Cs) ($)Comments
1314.13.3.5Indonesia Country Program EvaluationOngoing Programs of Grants and ContributionNon-HorizontalNo200906/201209/2014$23,831,379.00$24,901,394.00 
1314.23.2.2, 3.2.3Ghana and Ethiopia Cluster Country Program EvaluationOngoing Programs of Grants and ContributionNon-HorizontalNoG: 06/2008 E: 01/201004/201309/2014$157,929,903.00$161,229,579.00Added Main Estimate figures for Ghana and Ethiopia
1314.33.2.5, 3.2.8Tanzania and Mozambique Cluster Country Program EvaluationOngoing Programs of Grants and ContributionNon-HorizontalNoT: 02/2006 M: 02/201003/201309/2014$173,591,302.00$176,965,439.00Added Main Estimate figures for Mozambique and Tanzania
1314.43.1.3Haiti Country Program EvaluationOngoing Programs of Grants and ContributionNon-HorizontalNo05/200304/201209/2014$89,492,331.00$93,870,614.00 
1314.53.1.5West Bank / Gaza Program EvaluationOngoing Programs of Grants and ContributionNon-HorizontalNoN/A04/201309/2014$69,222,629.00$70,864,590.00 
1314.63.1.2Afghanistan Country Program EvaluationOngoing Programs of Grants and ContributionNon-HorizontalNo05/200710/201109/2014$86,991,921.00$90,112,705.00 
1314.73.4Inter-American Bank ReviewOngoing Programs of Grants and ContributionNon-HorizontalNo03/200910/201308/2014$0.00$0.00 
1314.83.4International Fund for Agriculture Development (IFAD) ReviewOngoing Programs of Grants and ContributionNon-HorizontalNo03/200904/201308/2014$12,500,000.00$12,500,000.00 
1314.93.2, 3.3, 3.4.1Evaluation of Corporate Social Responsibility Strategy for the Extractive SectorOngoing Programs of Grants and ContributionHorizontal ParticipantNoN/A10/201308/2014$0.00$0.00 
1415.13.2.1Bangladesh Country Program EvaluationOngoing Programs of Grants and ContributionNon-HorizontalNo01/200904/201404/2015$59,000,000.00$60,402,001.00 
1415.23.1.4South Sudan Country Program EvaluationOngoing Programs of Grants and ContributionNon-HorizontalNo12/201004/201504/2016$68,128,303.00$70,005,582.00 
1415.33.2, 3.3Canada Investment Fund for Africa EvaluationOngoing Programs of Grants and ContributionNon-HorizontalNoN/A04/201404/2015$0.00$0.00 
1415.43.2.10, 3.3.8Modest Presence Country Program EvaluationOngoing Programs of Grants and ContributionNon-HorizontalNoN/A04/201404/2015$72,059,232.00$76,716,618.00 
1415.53.4International Organization of la Francophonie ReviewOngoing Programs of Grants and ContributionNon-HorizontalNo03/200904/201404/2015$5,200,000.00$5,200,000.00 
1415.73.4United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) ReviewOngoing Programs of Grants and ContributionNon-HorizontalNo03/200904/201404/2015$17,350,000.00$17,350,000.00 
1415.83.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4, 3.5Muskoka Formative EvaluationOngoing Programs of Grants and ContributionNon-HorizontalNoN/A04/201404/2015$135,709,000.00$135,709,000.00This amount represents the funding for MNCH-related programming from MFM's Initiative-specific programming
1415.93.5Partners for Development ProgramOngoing Programs of Grants and ContributionNon-HorizontalNoN/A04/201404/2015$234,086,138.00$245,787,195.00 
Total Year 1$1,205,092,138.00$1,241,614,717.00 
1516.13.3.7Ukraine Country Program EvaluationOngoing Programs of Grants and ContributionNon-Horizontal 06/201104/201504/2016$20,029,463.00$21,060,045.00 
1516.23.2.9Vietnam Country Program EvaluationOngoing Programs of Grants and ContributionNon-Horizontal 07/201004/201504/2016$19,991,007.00$20,914,177.00 
1516.33.2.10, 3.3.8Modest Presence Country Program EvaluationOngoing Programs of Grants and ContributionNon-Horizontal N/A04/201504/2016$119,048,216.00$121,263,073.00 
1516.43.4Caribbean Development Bank ReviewOngoing Programs of Grants and ContributionNon-Horizontal 03/200904/201504/2016$16,706,000.00$16,706,000.00 
1516.53.4Global Environmental Facility (GEF) ReviewOngoing Programs of Grants and ContributionNon-Horizontal 03/200904/201504/2016$54,750,000.00$54,750,000.00 
1516.63.4World Food Programme (WFP) ReviewOngoing Programs of Grants and ContributionNon-Horizontal 03/200904/201504/2016$25,000,000.00$25,000,000.00 
1516.73.4UN Women ReviewOngoing Programs of Grants and ContributionNon-Horizontal 03/200904/201504/2016$10,000,000.00$10,000,000.00 
1516.83.4Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) ReviewOngoing Programs of Grants and ContributionNon-Horizontal 03/200904/201504/2016$14,000,000.00$14,000,000.00 
1515.93.4Commonwealth Institutions ReviewOngoing Programs of Grants and ContributionNon-HorizontalNo03/200904/201504/2016$12,600,000.00$12,600,000.00Commonwealth Fund for Technical Cooperation + Commonwealth of Learning
1516.103.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4, 3.5Muskoka Initiative Summative EvaluationOngoing Programs of Grants and ContributionNon-Horizontal N/A04/201504/2016$0.00$0.00 
1516.113.2, 3.3Evaluation of Regional Programs (Inter-American, Pan-African, Southeast Asia)Ongoing Programs of Grants and ContributionNon-Horizontal 07/201104/201504/2016$95,655,975.00$99,732,968.00Low income regional programs' + 'middle income regional programs'.
Total Year 2$387,780,661.00$396,026,263.00 
1617.13.2.7Senegal Country Program EvaluationOngoing Programs of Grants and ContributionNon-Horizontal 02/201104/201604/2017$49,675,791.00$51,225,755.00 
1617.23.3.4Honduras Country Program EvaluationOngoing Programs of Grants and ContributionNon-Horizontal 09/201104/201604/2017$24,012,826.00$35,305,637.00 
1617.33.3.6Peru Country Program EvaluationOngoing Programs of Grants and ContributionNon-Horizontal 07/201204/201604/2017$25,000,000.00$25,699,069.00 
1617.43.4African Development Bank ReviewOngoing Programs of Grants and ContributionNon-Horizontal 10/201304/201604/2017$108,538,000.00$108,538,000.00 
1617.53.4United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) ReviewOngoing Programs of Grants and ContributionNon-Horizontal 04/201204/201604/2017$48,000,000.00$48,000,000.00 
1617.63.4Global Fund to Fight for AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria (GFATM)Ongoing Programs of Grants and ContributionNon-Horizontal 03/200904/201604/2017$180,000,000.00$180,000,000.00 
1617.73.4United Nations Central Emergency Response Fund (CERF)Ongoing Programs of Grants and ContributionNon-Horizontal n/a04/201604/2017$29,400,000.00$29,400,000.00Included in the universe for the first time
1617.83.1.1Humanitarian Assistance EvaluationOngoing Programs of Grants and ContributionNon-Horizontal 08/201204/201604/2017$363,400,000.00$364,655,984.00 
Total Year 3$828,026,617.00$ 842,824,445.00 
1718.13.2.4Mali Country Program EvaluationOngoing Programs of Grants and ContributionNon-Horizontal 02/201404/201704/2018$106,500,000.00$125,437,842.00 
1718.23.3.1Bolivia Country Program EvaluationOngoing Programs of Grants and ContributionNon-Horizontal 04/201404/201704/2018$9,010,963.00$9,437,848.00 
1718.33.3.2Caribbean Regional Program evaluationOngoing Programs of Grants and ContributionNon-Horizontal 02/201304/201704/2018$49,553,027.00$56,602,684.00 
1718.43.3.3Colombia Country Program EvaluationOngoing Programs of Grants and ContributionNon-Horizontal 04/201304/201704/2018$23,194,937.00$23,959,382.00 
1718.53.4Asian Development Bank ReviewOngoing Programs of Grants and ContributionNon-Horizontal 01/201304/201704/2018$47,700,000.00$47,700,000.00 
1718.63.4World Health Organization ReviewOngoing Programs of Grants and ContributionNon-Horizontal 12/201204/201704/2018$42,700,000.00$42,700,000.00This amount is equivalent to MFM's reference level budget for global health initiatives
1718.73.4Consultative Group on International Agriculture Research ( CGIAR) ReviewOngoing Programs of Grants and ContributionNon-Horizontal 03/200904/201704/2018$15,370,000.00$15,370,000.00 
1718.83.4UNAIDSOngoing Programs of Grants and ContributionNon-Horizontal 03/200904/201704/2018$5,400,000.00$5,400,000.00 
1718.93.4International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC)Ongoing Programs of Grants and ContributionNon-Horizontal n/a04/201704/2018$6,000,000.00$6,000,000.00Included in the universe for the first time
1718.103.4GAVI Alliance (GAVI)Ongoing Programs of Grants and ContributionNon-Horizontal n/a04/201704/2018$10,000,000.00$10,000,000.00Included in the universe for the first time
Total Year 4$315,428,927.00$342,607,756.00 
1819.13.3.5Indonesia Country Program EvaluationOngoing Programs of Grants and ContributionNon-Horizontal 09/201404/201804/2019$0.00$0.00 
1819.23.2.2, 3.2.3Ghana Country Program EvaluationOngoing Programs of Grants and ContributionNon-Horizontal 09/201404/201804/2019$0.00$0.00 
1819.33.2.2, 3.2.3Ethiopia Country Program EvaluationOngoing Programs of Grants and ContributionNon-Horizontal 09/201404/201804/2019$0.00$0.00 
1819.43.2.5, 3.2.8Tanzania Country Program EvaluationOngoing Programs of Grants and ContributionNon-Horizontal 09/201404/201804/2019$0.00$0.00 
1819.53.2.5, 3.2.8Mozambique Country Program EvaluationOngoing Programs of Grants and ContributionNon-Horizontal 09/201404/201804/2019$0.00$0.00 
1819.63.1.3Haiti Country Program EvaluationOngoing Programs of Grants and ContributionNon-Horizontal 09/201404/201804/2019$0.00$0.00 
1819.73.1.5West Bank / Gaza Program EvaluationOngoing Programs of Grants and ContributionNon-Horizontal 09/201404/201804/2019$0.00$0.00 
1819.83.2.6Pakistan Country Program EvaluationOngoing Programs of Grants and ContributionNon-Horizontal 09/201404/201804/2019$27,641,719.00$28,909,307.00 
1819.93.1.2Afghanistan Country Program EvaluationOngoing Programs of Grants and ContributionNon-Horizontal 09/201404/201804/2019$0.00$0.00 
1819.103.4UNICEF Development Effectiveness ReviewOngoing Programs of Grants and ContributionNon-Horizontal 09/201404/201804/2019$18,000,000.00$18,000,000.00 
1819.113.4Inter-American Development Bank ReviewOngoing Programs of Grants and ContributionNon-Horizontal 09/201404/201804/2019$0.00  
1819.123.4International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) ReviewOngoing Programs of Grants and ContributionNon-Horizontal 09/201404/201804/2018$0.00  
1819.133.4Canadian Foodgrains BankOngoing Programs of Grants and ContributionNon-Horizontal  04/201804/2018$25,000,000.00$25,000,000.00Included in the universe for the first time
1819.143.5Global Citizens ProgramOngoing Programs of Grants and ContributionNon-Horizontal N/A04/201804/2018$19,450,638.00$20,742,056.00 
Total Year 5$90,092,357.00$92,651,363.00 
Operational Costs for multilateral organisations (this amount has been kept separate as the PAA for DFATD-Development is not aligned with the units used for evaluation purposes - i.e., institutional level) $17,932,000.00 
Five-year Total$2,826,420,700.00$2,933,656,544.00 
Spending not subject to the Policy on EvaluationFootnote 9
Total spending not subject to the Policy on Evaluation$0.00$0.00 
% of spending accounted for96.51% 
Table 9: Five-year Evaluation Schedule
Title of Ongoing Program of Gs&Cs Footnote 15Title of Corresponding Voted Gs&Cs Listed in the Main EstimatesEstimated Voted Gs&Cs Value ($) Footnote 16Estimated Program Value ($)Program Start Date (M\Y) Footnote 17Program End Date (M/Y or ongoing)Date of Next Planned Evaluation (Expected Deputy Head Approval Date) (M/Y)Date Last Evaluated (Deputy Head Approval Date) (M/Y)Title of Last EvaluationComments
Humanitarian assistanceFragile states and crisis-affected communities$363,400,000.00$364,655,984.00 Ongoing04/201708/2012Evaluation of CIDA's Humanitarian Assistance 2005-2011 
AfghanistanFragile states and crisis-affected communities$86,991,921.00$90,112,705.0005/2009Ongoing09/201405/2007Review of the Afghanistan Program 
HaitiFragile states and crisis-affected communities$89,492,331.00$93,870,614.0005/2009Ongoing09/201405/2003Corporate Evaluation of Haiti Program (1994-2002) 
South SudanFragile states and crisis-affected communities$68,128,303.00$70,005,582.0005/2009Ongoing04/201512/2010A Multi-donor Evaluation of Support to Conflict Prevention and Peacebuilding Activities in Southern Sudan 2005-2010 
West Bank and GazaFragile states and crisis-affected communities$69,222,629.00$70,864,590.0005/2009Ongoing09/2014N/A  
BangladeshLow-income countries$59,000,000.00$60,402,001.0005/2009Ongoing04/201501/2009Bangladesh Country Program Evaluation 2003-2008 
EthiopiaLow-income countries$77,929,903.00$79,567,406.0005/2009Ongoing09/201401/2010Ethiopia Country Program Evaluation 2003-2004 to 2008-2009 
GhanaLow-income countries$80,000,000.00$81,662,173.0005/2009Ongoing09/201406/2008Evaluation of CIDA's Program in Ghana 1999-2005 
MaliLow-income countries$106,500,000.00$125,437,842.0005/2009Ongoing04/201802/2014Canada - Mali Cooperation Program Evaluation 
MozambiqueLow-income countries$73,900,000.00$75,524,353.0005/2009Ongoing09/201407/2010Mozambique Country Program Evaluation 2004-2005 to 2008-2009 
PakistanLow-income countries$27,641,719.00$28,909,307.0005/2009Ongoing04/20192013-14CIDA Pakistan Program Evaluation 
SenegalLow-income countries$49,675,791.00$51,255,755.0005/2009Ongoing04/201702/2011Evaluation of CIDA's Senegal Program from 2001 to 2010 
TanzaniaLow-income countries$99,691,302.00$101,441,086.0005/2009Ongoing09/201402/2006Evaluation of CIDA Tanzania Program 
VietnamLow-income countries$19,991,007.00$20,914,177.0005/2009Ongoing04/201607/2010Evaluation of CIDA's Investments in Vietnam - July 2010 
Low- income countries of modest presenceLow-income countries$72,059,232.00$76,716,618.0005/2009Ongoing04/20152010Review of Program-based Approaches 
Low- income regional programsLow-income countries$54,175,032.00$56,923,417.0005/2009Ongoing04/201502/2013Caribbean Regional Program Evaluation 2006-2011 
BoliviaMiddle-income countries$9,010,963.00$9,437,848.0005/2009Ongoing04/201805/2007Bolivia Country Program Evaluation 
Caribbean Regional ProgramMiddle-income countries$49,553,027.00$56,602,684.0005/2009Ongoing04/201802/2013Caribbean Regional Program Evaluation 2006-2011 
ColombiaMiddle-income countries$23,194,937.00$23,959,382.0005/2009Ongoing04/201804/2013Colombia Country Program Evaluation 2006-2011 
HondurasMiddle-income countries$24,012,826.00$25,305,637.0005/2009Ongoing04/201709/2011Evaluation of CIDA's Honduras Program from 2002 to 2010 
IndonesiaMiddle-income countries$23,831,379.00$24,901,394.0005/2009Ongoing04/201906/2014Evaluation of CIDA's Indonesia Program 
PeruMiddle-income countries$25,000,000.00$25,699,069.0005/2009Ongoing04/201707/2012Evaluation of CIDA's Peru Program from 2005 to 2010 
UkraineMiddle-income countries$20,029,463.00$21,060,045.0005/2009Ongoing04/201606/2011Evaluation of CIDA's Ukraine Program from 2004 to 2009 
Middle- income countries of modest presenceMiddle-income countries$119,048,216.00$121,263,073.0005/2009Ongoing04/20142010Review of Program-based Approaches 
Middle- income regional programsMiddle-income countries$41,480,943.00$42,809,551.0005/2009Ongoing04/20142011Inter-American Regional Program Evaluation 
International development policyGlobal Engagement and Strategic Policy$5,433,689.00$18,045,621.00 Ongoingtbd2008Evaluation of CIDA's Implementation of its Policy on Gender Equality 
Multilateral strategic relationshipsGlobal Engagement and Strategic Policy$679,530,000.00$686,567,340.00 OngoingSeveral datesSeveral datesVarious sub-program evaluations 
Multilateral and global programmingGlobal Engagement and Strategic Policy$266,279,455.00$269,095,980.00 OngoingSeveral datesSeveral datesVarious sub-program evaluations 
Partners for developmentCanadian Engagement for Development$234,086,138$245,787,19507/2010Ongoing04/2015n/aPartnerships with Canadians Governance Program Evaluation - 2008-2012This evaluation was carried out on one thematic area only
Global CitizensCanadian Engagement for Development$19,450,638$20,742,05607/2010Ongoing04/20182011Volunteer Cooperation Agreement Evaluation 
% of the dollar value of Voted Grants and Contributions from the Main Estimates accounted for:100.00% 
Table 10: Resources Dedicated to the Evaluation Function
 Actual Spending FY-1Forecasted Spending (Budget) FY1Forecasted Spending (Budget) FY2
Contracted Services - Specific to Evaluations$1.8m$2.5m$2.5m
Operations and Maintenance (excluding Contracted Services Specific to Evaluations)$0.25m$0.3m$0.3m
FTEs (#)181919

Evaluation Commitments to TBS Footnote 18

The table below presents specific evaluation commitments indicated in the TB Submissions that were approved between FY 2006-2007 and FY 2013-2014. It excludes evaluation commitments already completed.

Note: * PB: Program Branch ED: Development Evaluation Division

Corporate/Department Wide

TB Submission (abridged title): 1. Muskoka Initiative
Lead*: ED
Evaluation Commitments made to TBS and TB Conditions: Thematic evaluation to be undertaken in 2015.
A review of the initiative to be undertaken in 2014.

Country Programs

TB Submission (abridged title): 1. Afghanistan Program
Lead*: ED
Evaluation Commitments made to TBS and TB Conditions: Summative evaluation to be completed by FY 2009-2010Footnote 19 (postponed to FY 2012-2013).

TB Submission (abridged title): 2. Burkina-Faso
Lead*: PB
Evaluation Commitments made to TBS and TB Conditions: Summative evaluation to be completed by 2015.

TB Submission (abridged title): 3. Canada Investment Fund for Africa
Lead*: ED
Evaluation Commitments made to TBS and TB Conditions: Summative evaluation to be completed by FY 2013-2014.

TB Submission (abridged title): 4. Pakistan (Debt Relief)
Lead*: PB
Evaluation Commitments made to TBS and TB Conditions: Summative evaluation to be completed by FY 2013-2014.

TB Submission (abridged title): 5. Tanzania (Education Sector)
Lead*: PB
Evaluation Commitments made to TBS and TB Conditions: Previously planned meta-evaluation will likely be replaced by a review in FY 2015-2016.

TB Submission (abridged title): 6. Palestinian Authority's Justice Sector
Lead*: PB
Evaluation Commitments made to TBS and TB Conditions: Project delayed; evaluation timelines to be re-determined once re-scoping approved.

TB Submission (abridged title): 7. Support to Aga Khan Foundation Canada's initiative entitled 'Regional Maternal, Newborn and Children Health Centers and Comprehensive Health Program in Afghanistan'.
Lead*: PB
Evaluation Commitments made to TBS and TB Conditions: Formative evaluation to be completed by FY 2012-2013; Initiated in FY 2014/2015.
Summative evaluation to be completed by FY 2014-2015.

Global Issues and Development

TB Submission (abridged title): 1. United Nation's Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) to support the Central Emergency Response Fund
Lead*: PB
Evaluation Commitments made to TBS and TB Conditions: Evaluations planned and managed through the OCHA

TB Submission (abridged title): 2. GAVI Alliance -Global Partnership for Education; Global Partnership for Education (GPE) formerly "Education for All Fast Track Initiative"
Lead*: PB
Evaluation Commitments made to TBS and TB Conditions: Evaluations to be planned and managed through the:

  1. GAVI Evaluation Advisory Committee
  2. GPE Monitoring and Evaluation Steering Committee.

TB Submission (abridged title): 3. World Food Programme
Lead*: PB
Evaluation Commitments made to TBS and TB Conditions: Development Effectiveness Review completed in 2012.
MOPAN review of WFP completed in 2013-2014. The Review of the World Food Programme's humanitarian programme also to be covered by the nextHumanitarian Assistance program evaluation (2017-2018).

TB Submission (abridged title): 4. East Africa Drought
Lead*: ED
Evaluation Commitments made to TBS and TB Conditions: To be also covered by the nextHumanitarian Assistance program evaluation (2017-2018).

TB Submission (abridged title): 5. Global Malaria Program (WHO)
Lead*: PB
Evaluation Commitments made to TBS and TB Conditions: Summative evaluation to be undertaken in FY 2015-2016.

TB Submission (abridged title): 6. Scaling-up Nutrition through Integrated Life Saving Interventions (UNICEF/Helen Keller International (HKI))
Lead*: PB
Evaluation Commitments made to TBS and TB Conditions: Summative evaluation (UNICEF component) in progress (FY 2013-2014).
Summative evaluation (HKI component) to be undertaken in FY 2014-2015.

TB Submission (abridged title): 7. Micronutrient Initiative (2014/15 - 2018-19)
Lead*: PB
Evaluation Commitments made to TBS and TB Conditions: Formative evaluation (MI-led) to be undertaken in 2016-2017
Summative evaluation to be undertaken in 2018-2019

TB Submission (abridged title): 8. Global Agricultural and Food Security
Lead*: PB
Evaluation Commitments made to TBS and TB Conditions: Partner organizations responsible for implementing each element of the Program are also responsible for planning, resourcing, and conducting evaluations of that programming.

TB Submission (abridged title): 9. UNDP Long Term Institutional Support (2012/13-2013-14)
Lead*: PB
Evaluation Commitments made to TBS and TB Conditions: UNDP Development Effectiveness Review completed 2012-2013. A subsequent UNDP Development Effectiveness Review to be undertaken in 2016-2017.

TB Submission (abridged title): 10. Funding to implement Canada's final Copenhagen Accord near-term financing commitments
Evaluation Commitments made to TBS and TB Conditions: Evaluations planned and managed through the UNDP and ADB

Partnerships for Development Innovation

TB Submission (abridged title): 1. Volunteer Cooperation Program
Lead*: PB
Evaluation Commitments made to TBS and TB Conditions: Formative evaluation was completed in 2012. Summative evaluation to be completed by FY 2013-2014.

TB Submission (abridged title): 2. Canadian International Food Security Research Fund (Phase 1)
Lead*: PB
Evaluation Commitments made to TBS and TB Conditions: Summative evaluation to be completed by FY 2014-2015.

TB Submission (abridged title): 3. Support to Aga Khan Foundation Canada's initiatives entitled 'Partnership for Advancing Human Development in Africa and Asia'
Lead*: PB
Evaluation Commitments made to TBS and TB Conditions: Formative evaluation to be completed by FY 2014-2015. Summative evaluation to be completed by FY 2015-2016.

TB Submission (abridged title): 4. Canadian International Institution for extractive industries Development
Lead*: PB
Evaluation Commitments made to TBS and TB Conditions: Institutional assessment to be completed by FY 2015-2016. Summative evaluation to be completed by FY 2017-2018.

TB Submission (abridged title): 5. Canadian International Food Security Research Fund (Phase 2)
Lead*: PB
Evaluation Commitments made to TBS and TB Conditions: Summative evaluation to be completed by FY 2017-2018.

Establishing the Evaluation Universe

In FY 2012-2013, the Development Evaluation Division revised its evaluation universe to take into consideration the results of the Deficit Reduction Action Plan (DRAP). The number of units in the evaluation universe was based on DFATD's program activity architecture (PAA, FY 2013-2014), the Performance Measurement Frameworks approved by Treasury Board Secretariat, and the commitments made in Treasury Board Submissions.

Based on these considerations and following extensive consultation across the Department at that time, including with the former Multilateral and Global Programs Branch (MGPB) and Geographic Programs Branch (GPB), the Development Evaluation Division arrived at a tentative Evaluation universe of 50 units for coverage during the following five (5) year period. The 2014/15 - 2018/19 work plan includes:

5 evaluation units related to Fragile Countries and Crisis-Affected Communities

8 evaluation units related to Low-Income Countries

8 evaluation units related to Middle-Income Countries

1 evaluation unit related to Regional Programs

23 evaluation units related to Global Engagement and Strategic Policy Footnote 20

2 evaluation units related to Canadian Engagement

3 specific commitments made in Treasury Board submissions

Through consultation with the Treasury Board Secretariat, it was determined that there is no obligation to evaluate sunsetting programs.

In planning and revising the sequence of evaluations, the Development Evaluation Division consults widely across the Department to ensure that user and corporate needs are being met and that ongoing programs are being evaluated every five years as per Treasury Board Secretariat requirements. Further, the Development Evaluation Division ensures that the timing of evaluations feed into the key decision making processes, such as the replenishment of multilateral funds.

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