Exemption on the Debt Retirement Charge (DRC) payable on electricity consumed in Ontario

February 21, 2011

In Ontario, the Debt Retirement Charge (DRC) is collected on electricity consumed in the province. All revenues from the DRC are used to pay down the debt of the former Ontario Hydro. The DRC replaces debt servicing costs included as part of electricity bills and is paid by most electricity users. The DRC will end once the debt is paid off.

The Ministry of Revenue in Ontario provides an exemption of the DRC to accredited foreign states, eligible international organization as well as their representatives DRC Guide 101.

About the exemption process

In order to qualify for the DRC exemption, accredited foreign states, eligible international organization as well as their representatives may have to complete the Exemption Certificate (PDF Version, 230 KB)Footnote * and present the certificate to their electricity supplier DRC Guide 104.

General enquiries regarding this privilege can be directed to the Ministry of Revenue of Ontario at 1 866 ONT-TAXS (1 866 668-8297) 1 800 263-7776 for teletypewriter (TTY).

General enquiries regarding this note, including questions concerning its application to categories of foreign representatives, can be directed to the Privileges and Immunities Unit of the Office of Protocol at 343-203-3021.


Footnote *

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