
Changes to Export and Import Permits and Certificates Fees

Serial No: 506
Date: March 9, 1995

Table of Contents


The purpose of this Notice is to advise of cost-recovery measures undertaken in the context of the Government's Program Review that will change the fee structure on import permits to one based on the total value of the goods per permit. A fee of $10 to $26 according to the total value of the goods of the permit will be levied for each import permit delivered at customs brokers installations and a fee of $15 to $31 according to the total value of the goods of the permit for each import permit issued at the Export and Import Controls Bureau, Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade. A single rate for export permits and certificates has been established for exports. A fee of $9 will be levied for each export permit and certificate delivered at customs brokers installations and a fee of $14 for each export permit and certificate issued at the Export and Import Controls Bureau (EICB), Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade.

The decision to change the fees on import permits based on the total value of goods per permit stems from the Government's Program Review which called for consideration of further cost recovery for services. The government's policy on cost-recovery aims to promote greater fairness and equity in the financing of government services by shifting more of the cost for these services to the users and to those who benefit most directly from them. Partial cost recovery for the administration of export and import permits has been in place since 1979. The proposed change in fee structure will recover an estimated 90% of the cost of permit administration within the Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade. Costs of other government departments have not been taken into account in arriving at total costs.

Under the new fee schedule, importers and exporters applying for permits or certificates at the Export and Import Permits Bureau will be required to submit with their application for permits and certificates a cheque or bank money order, payable to the Receiver General for Canada (no cash) in the amount as stipulated below for each permit and certificate requested. A monthly billing system is in place at EICB and companies not already registered on this system and wish to apply for this priviledge can submit their request in writing to EICB at the address indicated below. Requests by facsimile are acceptable.

New order

Accordingly a new Export and Import Permits and Certificates Fees Order will be published in the Canada Gazette. The Order, when in force, will be as follows:

a) an import permit pursuant to section 8, 8.1, 8.2 or 8.3 of the Act is

  • (i) where the import permit is delivered by a person who is not employed in the public service of Canada but who is authorized by the Minister to make the delivery, the fee set out in column II of an item of the schedule that corresponds to the total value of the goods in respect of which the import permit is issued set out in column I of that item, and
  • (ii) where the import permit is delivered by the Export and Import Controls Bureau of the Department, the fee set out in column III of an item of the schedule that corresponds to the total value of the goods in respect of which the import permit is issued set out in column I of that item; and

b) an export permit pursuant to section 7, 8.1 or 8.2 of the Act or a certificate pursuant to section 9.01 or 9.02 of that Act is

  • (i) $9, where the export permit or certificate is delivered by a person who is not employed in the Public Service of Canada but who is authorized by the Minister to make the delivery; and
  • ii) $14, where the export permit or certificate is delivered by the Export and Import Controls Bureau of the Department.

(2) The fee referred to in subparagraph (1)(a)(i) or (b)(i) does not include any fee for services incidental to the delivery of the permit or certificate that are provided by an authorized person referred to in that subparagraph.

(3) The fee referred to in subparagraph (1)(b)(ii) does not apply in respect of an export permit issued in respect of goods included in

  • (a) Groups 1 to 4 of the schedule to the Export Control List;
  • (b) items 5000, 5400, 5401 and 5500 of Group 5 of the schedule to that List; and
  • (c) Groups 6 to 8 of the schedule to that List.

Note: "Fees"

In this Order, "fees" mean the charges payable for the issuance of permits and certificates pursuant to section 7, 8, 8.1, 8.2, 8.3, 9.01 or 9.2 of the Export and Import Permits Act, but do not include anycosts that may be incurred for services incidental to the delivery of an export or import permit or certificate.


The target date for implementation of these cost-recovery measures is May 1, 1995. Importers and Exporters will be informed of the exact date of implementation by way of a further Notice as soon as the revised Export and Import Permits Fees Order is promulgated.

Interested persons may make representations concerning the proposed amendment to the Minister of Foreign Affairs within 30 days of the date of publication of this notice. All such representations should cite the date of publication of this notice, and be sent to H.A. Dubois, Director, Permit Control Administration and EDP Division, Export and Import Controls Bureau, Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade, P.O. Box 481, Station "A", OTTAWA, Ontario, K1A OG2.

Further Information

Enquiries may be addressed to:

Permit Control Administration and EDP Division (EPC)
Export and Import Controls Bureau
Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade
P.O. Box 481, Station "A"
OTTAWA, Ontario
K1N 9K6

Telephone: (613) 996-0273, (613) 996-4143
Facsimile: (613) 992-9397