Accessibility – Document Request

Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development Canada (DFATD) is committed to providing electronic information and services that are useable and accessible to all people, including people with disabilities. While every reasonable effort has been made to ensure the accessibility of this site, some content or services found here might be inaccessible to some visitors.

If there is a document on our site that you are trying to access, but cannot because of the format or technology used, please fill out the form below.

An asterisk (*) indicates a mandatory field.

Accessibility - Document Request
Fields marked with an * are mandatory.
Please insert the name of the document that you are having difficulty accessing (ex. foreign_policy.pdf)

Please insert the address of the page that you found a link to the specific document (an example of this would be:

If you would like to request the document in any other universal format, please let us know, we will try to accomodate you as best we can:

Personal information must not be included in the free-text field. When completing this field, you are encouraged to make fact-based statements that do not include your personal information, including your views and personal opinions of another individual. For your information, personal information is defined as any information about an identifiable individual. For additional details on the definition of personal information, please refer to Section 3 of the Privacy Act.