Jules Léger Library services for the public
Reference and research services
Professional librarians are available during opening hours. Contact the Library at library-biblio.sicl@international.gc.ca.
The Library normally responds to inquiries within 24 to 48 hours.
Interlibrary loan services to the public
The Library does not loan material directly to non-departmental clients. To borrow an item from the Library’s collection, please request an interlibrary loan through your local library.
On average, interlibrary loans take 4 days to process if requested from within the National Capital Region (NCR), or 5 to 10 days if requested from outside the NCR.
Retired departmental staff and members of the diplomatic corps
Retired departmental staff and members of the diplomatic corps located in Ottawa may borrow directly from the Library. Please contact the Library at library-biblio.sicl@international.gc.ca for more information about borrowing services.
The Jules Léger Library can arrange for the interlibrary loan of work-related items on behalf of retired departmental staff. This service does not extend to members of the diplomatic corps located in Ottawa.