Evaluation of Canadian International Assistance Programming in Ukraine, 2009/2010 to 2017/2018

The evaluation by Global Affairs Canada (GAC) of Canada’s international assistance program in Ukraine demonstrated that Canada has been a leading donor over the 2009-2010 to 2017-2018 period and has provided consistent and long-term international assistance. Canada's financial resources and political support have also helped to set in motion the process of reform and modernization in Ukraine beyond 2014.

Development programming reflected the priorities of the Ukrainian government, while humanitarian, peace and stabilization programs provided assistance that was timely, flexible and responsive to emerging needs. Canada has also been highly responsive to the Revolution of Dignity and has significantly increased its portfolio of funded activities in the country. However, fragmented programming has made the transition from humanitarian response to reconstruction, peacebuilding and development in the east of the country more difficult.

In general, for the three components of international assistance examined, programming has been responsive to needs. However, the dispersal of funding among activities without sufficient linkages to projects limited the achievement of solid results. Chronic political instability and a fragile security situation also hampered the sustainability of results.


The department’s responsiveness and flexibility in humanitarian and stabilization programming was particularly important immediately after the Dignity Revolution of 2014 and the outbreak of conflict in eastern Ukraine.

The department's international assistance program in Ukraine has achieved remarkable results in the areas of police reform, promotion of gender equality and juvenile justice.

Examples of internal coherence existed, but the separate programming, reporting and approval mechanisms for each programming component limited the department's ability to achieve greater internal policy coherence.

In the absence of a common performance framework, Canada's overall progress toward achieving overall results in Ukraine was difficult to strengthen.


Given the complexity and fragility of Ukraine's situation, the department may wish to consider options to better integrate fragility considerations, such as reviving an approved planning framework that integrates appropriate program components into common results and performance measurement frameworks based on OECD-DAC recommendations on the triple Nexus. The Canada-Ukraine Free Trade Agreement could provide a means to increase the scope of development results to promote greater gender equality, good business practices and enhanced market competitiveness in Ukraine.



  1. Clarify the responsibilities of departmental actors with respect to the linkages between humanitarian assistance, development and stabilization. 

Europe, Arctic, Middle East and Maghreb Branch

  1. Reduce the number of sub-sectors and address medium- and longer-term reconstruction and rehabilitation needs in eastern Ukraine.
  2. Facilitate sustainability planning by developing exit strategies.
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