Forward Regulatory Plan for Non-Strategic Goods (Agricultural Products, Clothing and Textiles, Steel)

Order Amending the Allocation Method Order (Turkey) – SOR-96-389 (ministerial amendment)

Description of the objective

Objective: Canada is considering harmonizing the turkey tariff rate quota (TRQ) allocation year (January 1 to December 31) with the Federal Quota Allocation Marketing Year/Control Period (May 1 to April 30). The objective of the amendment would be to facilitate domestic production planning, thereby increasing efficiencies in the market to the benefit of all stakeholders.

Description of the Regulation: Turkey and turkey products are controlled under the Export and Import Permits Act and their importation is subject to a tariff rate quota (TRQ). The Allocation Method Order — Turkey and Turkey Products (AMO) is a regulation of the government of Canada that establishes the method for allocating the import access quantity for the turkey TRQ, including the period over which the quota is allocated.

Enabling Act: Export and Import Permits Act

Indication of business impacts

There are no expected business impacts.

Public consultation opportunities

A further round of consultations will be initiated with the Turkey Tariff Quota Advisory Committee (TQAC), which is made up of representatives from all the major industry associations, including turkey processors, further processors, distributors, and importers, as well as Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, Finance Canada and Global Affairs Canada. The timing and details of those consultations will be announced shortly, with anticipated timing in Fall 2018.

Departmental contact

Non-Strategic Goods – General Enquiries
Telephone: 343-203-6820
Facsimile: 613-996-0612 / 613-995-5137

Order Amending the Import Control List (C.R.C, c. 604) to update the Description of Item 118 (skim milk powder)

Description of the objective

Objective: The objective of this amendment would be to align the description of item 118 of the Import Control List with the definition of the corresponding goods in the Customs Tariff. The change is editorial in nature only and will have no impact on the administration of import controls for the corresponding goods.

Description of the Regulation: The Export and Import Permits Act grants the Governor in Council the authority to establish a list of goods, called an Import Control List (ICL), including therein any article the import of which the Governor in Council deems it necessary to control for different purposes, notably to implement an action taken under the Agricultural Marketing Programs Act or the Canadian Dairy Commission Act, or to implement an intergovernmental arrangement or commitment.

Milk and cream, concentrated or containing added sugar or other sweetening matter, in powder, granules or other solid forms, of a fat content, by weight, not exceeding 1.5 per cent, classified under tariff item No. 0402.10.10 or 0402.10.20 in the List of Tariff Provisions set out in the schedule to the Customs Tariff, are included on the ICL (item 118) in support of Canada’s supply management system.

Enabling Act: Export and Import Permits Act

Indication of business impacts

There are no expected business impacts.

Public consultation opportunities

No public consultations are required.

Departmental contact

Non-Strategic Goods – General Enquiries
Telephone: 343-203-6820
Facsimile: 613-996-0612 / 613-995-5137

For more information

To learn about upcoming or ongoing consultations on proposed federal regulations, visit the Canada Gazette and Consulting with Canadians websites.

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