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The General Review of the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP): Closed consultation

Current status: Closed

This consultation ran from June 3, 2024 to July 31, 2024.

Global Affairs Canada was seeking input from businesses and other interested parties on the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP) as part of the Agreement’s mandated General Review.

Why was this consultation held?

The purpose of the General Review process is to evaluate the performance of the CPTPP with a view to updating and enhancing the Agreement to ensure that it remains of the highest possible standard for trade agreements.

All CPTPP Members, including Canada, contribute to the General Review – Canada’s contribution was informed by feedback received from this consultation.

Questions that guided submissions

Global Affairs Canada invited interested parties to submit their views on the functioning of the CPTPP and on how to improve the Agreement.

General questions that guided  submissions:

  1. Since entry into force of the Agreement, have you used any of the CPTPP provisions? This notably includes importing or exporting goods or services with CPTPP partners under the CPTPP's preferential tariff rates; working in a CPTPP country; and, commenting on labour or environmental practices through the respective public portals. If yes, provide a brief overview of your experience.
  2. In your experience, what have been the advantages of the CPTPP? What have been the shortcomings? Please be specific.
  3. Do you have suggestions on how to encourage greater use of the CPTPP by all groups (including SMEs, Indigenous, women-owned businesses) to improve the uptake of the Agreement? In other words, how could Canada and other CPTPP members support and enhance the use of the CPTPP?
  4. Are there existing provisions in the Agreement that would benefit from revision or updating? Do you have suggestions to improve and/or modernize the Agreement, including to address emerging issues such as digital and green economy, supply chain resilience, inclusive trade, and innovation?

Who was the focus of this consultation?

This consultation was open to the public and everyone was invited to share their ideas.

Global Affairs Canada welcomed submissions from all interested parties, including:

What we heard

A final report that summarizes the feedback received from this consultation is pending.

Additional Information

Participants were encouraged to review the background information on the Agreement and the CPTPP General Review.

Related links:

Contact information

Trade Policy and Negotiations Division
Global Affairs Canada
111 Sussex Drive
Ottawa ON K1A 0G2

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