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Public consultation:
Administration of steel safeguard tariff rate quotas
Global Affairs Canada has created an online questionnaire for the consultations.
Should you prefer to provide your comments directly to Global Affairs Canada, either as an individual or on behalf of an organization, or for any questions concerning this consultation, please contact
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Contact information
Non-supply managed trade controls (TIN)
Global Affairs Canada
125 Sussex Drive
Ottawa, ON K1A 0G2
Current status: Closed
Stakeholders have until 11:59 pm (Pacific Time) on December 8, 2019 to submit their responses, comments and suggestions.
Consulting with Canadians
The Government of Canada established final safeguards on imports of two categories of steel products—heavy plate and stainless steel wire—in the form of tariff rate quotas (TRQs) from May 13, 2019, to October 24, 2021.
From May 13 to June 2, 2019, the TRQ quantities were administered on a first-come, first-served basis. During the period of June 3, 2019, to January 31, 2020, the TRQ quantities are being administered through two pools:
- an allocation pool, available to eligible applicants based on their historical import activities during a reference period
- a residual pool, available on a first-come, first-served basis to applicants that did not receive an allocation
To ensure continued efficiency and effectiveness in administering Canada’s steel safeguards, the Government of Canada is seeking the views of stakeholders with an interest in the administration of these TRQs.
We want to hear from you. We welcome your ideas, your experiences and your priorities.
Stakeholders have until 11:59 pm (Pacific Time) on December 8, 2019 to submit their responses, comments and suggestions.
Purpose of consultation
The purpose of this consultation is to inform the Government of Canada’s decisions regarding the administration of heavy plate and stainless steel wire TRQs for the period of February 1, 2020, to October 24, 2021.
Who should participate?
The Government would like to hear from all sectors of Canadian society and from international stakeholders, including:
- the Canadian public
- producers, manufacturers, processors, further processors, distributors, retailers and importers
- relevant national, provincial and territorial industry associations
- small, medium and large enterprises
- provincial and territorial governments
- national, provincial, territorial and regional associations
- trading partners
The information collected as a result of this consultative exercise will assist Global Affairs Canada in developing an allocation policy for the heavy plate and stainless steel wire TRQs for the period of February 1, 2020, to October 24, 2021.
How to participate
To participate in the consultation, interested parties are encouraged to provide feedback through the online questionnaire.
If you are unable to access the online questionnaire, please contact us for assistance:
Non-supply managed trade controls (TIN)
Global Affairs Canada
125 Sussex Drive,
Ottawa ON K1A 0G2
- Date Modified: