CETA Trade and Gender Recommendation: EU-Canada Work Plan 2020-2021
Action Items:
1. Sharing methods and procedures for the collection of gender-disaggregated data, the use of indicators, monitoring and evaluation methodologies, and the analysis of gender-focused statistics related to trade (point 4 a of recommendation)
- To better understand the impact of trade on gender equality and women’s participation in the economy
- Discuss methodologies on how to use social and labour statistics and cross-reference them with business data in a way that allows for analysis of the characteristics of workers in businesses affected by trade
- Discuss (new) ways of doing surveys to gather information on women participation in trade and barriers they face
- Exchanging experiences (including challenges and successes) on possibilities for systematic gender-disaggregated data collection and analysis related to trade
Implementation Plan:
Video Conference or face to face meetings in Canada and the EU on:
- Canada’s labour market module with gender differentiated data
- EU’s work on female participation in EU exporting activities: jobs and wages
- Genderifying trade-in-value-added (TiVA) – with OECD
Deliverable/Expected Results:
- Exchange information on what data in relation to trade and gender is being collected and how, challenges encountered and how addressing them
- Develop data inventory and identify gaps
- Exchange information on surveys conducted on women participation in trade
- Successful video conference
- Summary report of the discussion
2. Exchange ideas and experiences on methods and indicators to assess ex-post impact of CETA on women and gender equality (point 4 b of recommendation)
- To better understand the ex-post impact of trade agreements like CETA on women and gender equality
- To reflect on what indicators could be used for trade and gender
Implementation Plan:
- Each Party to share their methodologies of assessing ex-post impact on women and gender equality
- Exchanges (via videoconference or otherwise) on possible indicators
Deliverable/Expected Results:
- Improved knowledge of how to assess ex-post impact of trade agreement on women and gender equality
3. Exchange ideas and experiences on developing gender responsive trade agreements (point 4 c of recommendation)
- To discuss how trade-related aspects of gender can be adequately addressed in trade agreements during the development and implementation stage
Implementation Plan:
- Each Party to share their studies and other work supporting gender responsive trade agreements (e.g. studies on challenges of women in international trade)
- Video Conference or face to face meetings in Canada and the EU
Deliverable/Expected Results:
- Exchange of conclusions from supporting studies and work
- Exchange of ideas on developing gender responsive trade agreements
4. Exchange ideas and work together on trade and gender in the WTO
- To discuss how to apply gender lens to the WTO work
- Discuss feasibility and approach with a view to building buy-in on this work in lead up to MC 12 and beyond
Implementation Plan:
- Video Conference or face to face meetings in EU, Canada or Geneva, possibly together with other interested countries and international organisations (WTO, ITC, UNCTAD)
Deliverable/Expected Results:
- Making operational the concept of applying gender lens to the WTO work
5. Webinar on Trade and Gender and Financing
- To exchange information on various financing tools available for women-owned businesses in Canada and the EU
- Ensure that stakeholders are aware of the range of tools available
Implementation Plan:
- Webinar in order to engage stakeholders and women-owned business and associations
- Explore possibility of a partnership with WE Empower or similar and relevant organization
Deliverable/Expected Results:
- Successful webinar
- Information made available to stakeholders online
6. Webinar on Trade, Gender and Standards
- To exchange information on the importance of standards to trade and the importance of integrating gender considerations into their development
- To develop knowledge in this area so that we can influence work in this area at ISO and WTO and UNEC
Implementation Plan:
- Webinar in order to engage stakeholders and women-owned business and associations
- Explore possibility of a partnership with WE Empower or similar and relevant organization
Deliverable/Expected Results:
- Successful webinar
- Information made available to stakeholders online
7. Report on the activities (point 8 recommendation)
- Date modified: