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Canada-Chile Free Trade Agreement

Chapter F

Emergency Action

Article F-01: Bilateral Actions

(a) a Party shall, without delay, deliver to the other Party written notice of, and a request for consultations regarding, the institution of a proceeding that could result in emergency action against a good originating in the territory of the other Party;

(b) any such action shall be initiated no later than one year after the date of institution of the proceeding;

(c) no action may be maintained

(i) for a period exceeding three years, or

(ii) beyond the expiration of the transition period, except with the consent of the Party against whose good the action is taken;

(d) no action may be taken by a Party against any particular good originating in the territory of the other Party more than once during the transition period; and

(e) on the termination of the action, the rate of duty shall be the rate that, according to the Party's Schedule to Annex C-02.2 for the staged elimination of the tariff, would have been in effect one year after the initiation of the action, and beginning January 1 of the year following the termination of the action, at the option of the Party that has taken the action

(i) the rate of duty shall conform to the applicable rate set out in its Schedule to Annex C-02.2, or

(ii) the tariff shall be eliminated in equal annual stages ending on the date set out in its Schedule to Annex C-02.2 for the elimination of the tariff.

Article F-02: Global Actions

Article F-03: Administration of Emergency Action Proceedings

Article F-04: Dispute Settlement in Emergency Action Matters

Neither Party may request the establishment of an arbitral panel under Article N-08 (Request for an Arbitral Panel) regarding any proposed emergency action.

Article F-05: Definitions

For purposes of this Chapter:

competent investigating authoritymeans the "competent investigating authority" of a Party as defined in Annex F-05;

contribute importantly means an important cause, but not necessarily the most important cause;

critical circumstances means circumstances where delay would cause damage that would be difficult to repair;

domestic industry means the producers as a whole of the like or directly competitive good operating in the territory of a Party;

emergency action does not include any emergency action pursuant to a proceeding instituted prior to the entry into force of this Agreement;

good originating in the territory of a Party means an originating good;

serious injury means a significant overall impairment of a domestic industry;

surge means a significant increase in imports over the trend for a recent representative base period;

threat of serious injury means serious injury that, on the basis of facts and not merely on allegation, conjecture or remote possibility, is clearly imminent; and

transition period means the 6-year period beginning on January 1, 1997, except where the tariff elimination for the good against which the action is taken occurs over a longer period of time, in which case the transition period shall be the period of the staged tariff elimination for that good.

Annex F-03.3

Administration of Emergency Action Proceedings

Institution of a Proceeding
Contents of a Petition or Complaint
Notice Requirement
Public Hearing
Confidential Information
Evidence of Injury and Causation
Deliberation and Report

Annex F-05

Country-Specific Definitions

For purposes of this Chapter:

competent investigating authoritymeans:

(a) in the case of Canada, the Canadian International Trade Tribunal, or its successor; and

(b) in the case of Chile, the National Commission in Charge of the Investigation of the Existence of Price Distortions in Imported Goods ("Comisión Nacional Encargada de Investigar la Existencia de Distorsiones en el Precio de las Mercaderías Importadas"), or its successor.

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