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Text of the Canada–Panama Free trade agreement – Chapter seventeen: Environment

Article 17.01: Affirmations

  1. The Parties recognize that each Party has sovereign rights and responsibilities to conserve and protect its environment, and affirm their environmental obligations under their domestic law, as well as their international obligations under multilateral environmental agreements.
  2. The Parties recognize the mutual supportiveness between trade and environment policies and the need to implement this Agreement in a manner consistent with environmental protection and conservation and the sustainable use of their resources.

Article 17.02: Agreement on the Environment

In keeping with the spirit of Article 17.01, the Parties have set out their mutual obligations in theAgreement on the Environment to promote the following objectives:

Article 17.03: Relationship between this Agreement and the Agreement on the Environment

  1. The Parties recognize the importance of balancing trade obligations and environmental obligations, and affirm that the Agreement on the Environment complements this Agreement and that they are mutually supportive.
  2. The Commission may consider, as appropriate, reports and recommendations from the Committee on the Environment established under the Agreement on the Environment, in respect of any issues related to trade and the environment.
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