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Results-based Management Policy Statement 2008

Table of Contents

Note: Following the amalgamation of the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA) with the Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade (DFAIT) in 2013, this policy statement should now be interpreted as relevant to only the international development stream of the new Department of Global Affairs Canada.

Last update: August 8, 2008

Prepared by Performance Management Division, Strategic Policy and Performance Branch, Canadian International Development Agency.

1. Objectives

2. Policy Statement

RBM is integral to the Agency's management philosophy and practice. CIDA focuses on results to ensure that it employs management practices that optimize value for money and the prudent use of its human and financial resources. CIDA will report on its results in order to inform Parliament and Canadians of its development achievements.

3. Context

CIDA has been managing for development results for more than thirty years. In recent years, this pursuit of development results has been deepened and accelerated by a number of important CIDA, Government of Canada, and international initiatives, most notably:

4. Scope

This RBM policy is the underpinning of sound corporate, program, and project planning, implementation, monitoring, and evaluation, as well as the Agency's reporting to Parliament and to the Canadian public, and internationally on its development achievements.

5. Principles


CIDA will provide a work environment in which accountability includes delivering on results, and will ensure that RBM is featured in Performance Management Agreements of its executives. CIDA will foster accountability in its activities through all programming mechanisms, including those involving national and international partners. CIDA recognizes that it contributes to the efforts of others and thus shares accountability with its developing-country partners, and the rest of the global development community, for achieving development results and progress on the MDGs, and meeting other international commitments.


The RBM approach implemented by CIDA will be easy to understand by its staff and stakeholders.

Realistic implementation

CIDA will implement RBM on an iterative basis, refining approaches as it learns from experience, and adapting realistically to circumstances (including necessary capacity building in some developing-country partners). CIDA will support its staff in implementing RBM by providing appropriate guidelines and training, which will be updated regularly on the basis of lessons learned.

Broad Application

CIDA will identify expected results, performance indicators (quantitative and qualitative), baselines and targets for its programs and projects. It will develop cost-effective means to monitor and measure results, and learn from the best practices of the international community.


CIDA will identify, in collaboration with its partners, its respective roles and responsibilities. CIDA will share the responsibility for achieving results at the program and project levels with its partners in Canada and in developing countries. CIDA will work with its partners to ensure a common understanding of the principles and vocabulary of RBM.


CIDA's implementation of RBM will lead to better reporting on more clearly identified development results to Parliament, the Canadian public, country partners, and the international donor community.

6. Definitions

6.1 What is results-based management?

RBM is a life-cycle approach to management that integrates strategy, people, resources, processes, and measurements to improve decision making, transparency, and accountability. RBM is essential for CIDA's senior management to exercise sound stewardship in compliance with government-wide performance and accountability standards. The approach focuses on achieving outcomes, implementing performance measurement, learning, and adapting, as well as reporting performance. RBM means:

6.2 Common results-based management vocabulary

Results chain (logic model): A depiction of the causal or logical relationships between the inputs, activities, outputs, and outcomes of a a given policy, program, or initiative.

Results Chain Components


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