Supporting agricultural cooperatives as a tool for sustainable development in Peru
Country: Peru © SOCODEVI
Asparagus, mushrooms, passion fruit, quinoa and specialty coffee are only some of the products that farm cooperatives in Peru now proudly distribute in national and international markets. Over the past 7 years, Canada and SOCODEVI, with the support of extractive-sector companies, have consolidated and established 24 cooperatives that bring together more than 8,000 producers in 3 rural regions of Peru—clearly demonstrating that there is strength in numbers.
By building on the values of entrepreneurs and associations, including women and youth, and practising environmentally responsible agriculture, the PRODIVCOM project has helped producers working in family farming become more financially independent. The PRODIVCOM cooperatives—many of which offer healthy organic and fair-trade products—now play a key role in the local economy. Coffee-producing families in the region of Cajamarca have participated in, and benefited from, the project.
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