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Helping young entrepreneurs get a start

© Save the Children Canada

The Empowering Young Palestinian Women Entrepreneurs in the Agricultural Sector (She Succeeds) project, implemented by Save the Children Canada, is helping young women succeed as entrepreneurs.

Twenty-eight-year-old Ghada is one of the many young women from Gaza who has benefited from the program. In 2020, she participated in the entrepreneurship training workshop offered by the MA’AN Development Center. Through the workshop, she learned how to tap into her talents by making handicrafts. She improved her business management skills and developed a plan for a new business. She was then able to use these skills to secure funding to start her own business creating design/décor from recycled material.

“I advise every woman to reveal her entrepreneurial skills and use them to find her business opportunity so she can create a job for herself and other youth, instead of being trapped in traditional job seeking,” says Ghada.

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