Handbook of export and import commodity codes
Users of this Handbook should note that it is prepared for ease of reference in categorizing items for statistical purposes only and, that as such, has no official sanction. Persons wishing to determine the extent of coverage of a commodity or of a particular restraint agreement should contact the EICB or refer to the actual text of a particular agreement.
Table of contents - Imports
- Preamble
- Import control list
- Abbreviations and symbols
- European Union countries
- General import permits
- General export permits
Section B: Agricultural products – Imports
Introduction, live broilers, broiler hatching eggs, chicken, turkey, beef and veal, milk and cream, buttermilk, powdered whey, mixes and doughs, food preparations, ice cream and ice milk, eggs, margarine, cheese, yogurt, butter, dairy spreads, wheat products
Section C: Carbon steel and specialty steel and aluminum products
- Carbon and specialty steel general information
- Carbon steel commodity listing (GIP 80)
- Specialty steel commodity listing (GIP 81)
- Steel goods:
- Heavy plate
- Stainless steel wire
- Aluminum products general information
- Aluminum products commodity listing (GIP 83)
- 2023 Steel industry classifications
Section D: Miscellaneous imports
- Small arms
- Large calibre armaments or weapons and projectors
- Tanks, self-propelled guns and components and parts
- Bombs, torpedoes, rockets, missiles, etc.
- Prohibited weapons
- Goods exported from the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia
(Serbia and Montenegro)
Section E: Textiles and Apparel - Imported Products
- Introduction
- North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)
- Canada-Chile Free Trade Agreement (CCFTA)
- Canada-Costa Rica Free Trade Agreement (CCRFTA)
- Canada-Honduras Free Trade Agreement (CHFTA)
- CETA Origin Quotas
- Canada-UK TCA Origin Quotas
- Canada-United States-Mexico Agreement (CUSMA)
Table of Contents - Exports
Section F: Textiles and apparel - Exported products
- North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)
- CETA Origin Quotas
- Canada-United States-Mexico Agreement (CUSMA)
- Peanut butter
- Sugar-containing products (WTO, CUSMA)
- Certain sugars, syrups and molasses (WTO, CUSMA)
- CETA Origin Quotas
- Canada-UK TCA Origin Quotas
- Dairy export thresholds
Section H: Export of softwood lumber to the United States
- General information - Monitoring
- Softwood lumber articles classified under the Harmonized Tariff Schedule
- Date Modified: