Textiles & Clothing
Message to the Industry - Textile & Clothing
Elimination of Textiles and Clothing Permits Requirements Under the Export and Import Permits Act.
This is to inform importers, brokers and other interested parties of amendments to the Import Control List established pursuant to the Export and Imports Permits Act, affecting imports of textiles and clothing into Canada.
As a result of these amendments, effective April 1, 2005, only those clothing and textile products that are eligible for a tariff preference level (TPL) benefit established under the NAFTA (US/Mexico), CCFTA (Chile), CCRFTA (Costa Rica) or CHFTA (Honduras) will be subject to import permit requirements. Other than for TPL imports, import permits for clothing and textiles issued pursuant to the Export and Import Permits Act will no longer be required.
For further information on import permit requirements, please contact: tpl-npt.tic@international.gc.ca
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