United States Origin Goods and Technologies
Exporters should note that the export of all goods and technology of U.S.-origin, as defined in item 5400 of the Export Control List (ECL), regardless of their nature and destination, require permits.
Exports of goods and technology that are controlled by ECL item 5400 destined for any country on Canada's Area Control List (ACL), Cuba, the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, Iran and Syria require an individual export permit issued by the Export Controls Division of the Department of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development.
Exporters of goods and technology that are controlled by ECL item 5400 with a final destination other than a country on Canada's Area Control List (ACL), Cuba, the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, Iran and Syria can utilize General Export Permit No. 12 - United States Origin Goods.
Please consult section D.4 of the Export Controls Handbook for further information regarding the export of U.S.-origin goods and technology controlled by ECL item 5400 or section E for further information regarding how to obtain permits.
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