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ARCHIVED - International Education: A Key Driver of Canada’s Future Prosperity

Table of Contents

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Chapter 4: Themes for the Recommendations

We believe that Canada can only achieve its objectives when the federal government, the provinces/territories, education associations and institutions align their respective strengths under the same umbrella: Canada. We have reached a consensus that Canada’s International Education Strategy should focus on a set of recommendations that can be categorized into five themes. The following chapters will each explore one of the themes and its related recommendations.

Chapter 5: Targets for success

Success target recommendations are at the core of the strategy. They focus on achievable goals for the growth of international student numbers as well as an increase in international mobility opportunities for Canadian students.

Chapter 6: Policy coordination and ensuring sustainable quality

One of the greatest challenges in international promotion of education in Canada is coordinating the efforts of various partners and stakeholders. These recommendations clarify the ongoing coordination mechanism and address the intrinsic value of quality of the education offering.

Chapter 7: Promotion of “Education in Canada”

Recommendations delve into practical issues related to education promotion efforts, including selecting priority markets in which to focus Canada’s efforts, honing the “Canada” brand and ensuring we are effective and successful in our usage of new media.

Chapter 8: Investments

We need to be strategic in how we package our scholarship offering. As the strategy seeks to attract top talent, Canada must be competitive in recruiting the best and brightest international students. Scholarships are a key means to promote Canada’s culture of excellence.

Chapter 9: Infrastructure and support

Promotional efforts must occur in alignment with study permit issuance. The remaining recommendations focus on the visa processing system as well as facilitating the process through a greater exchange of information and expertise between the Government of Canada and the education sector.

We recognize that international education brings tremendous value to every community in Canada. We believe that education is the most powerful means by which to shape minds and create opportunities for youth and by extension, to mould our society.

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