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Global Affairs Canada - 2017 to 2018 Fees Report

PDF Version (470 KB)

Government of Canada Catalogue Number: FR2-27E-PDF

International Standard Serial Number (ISSN): 2562-3796

© Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Canada, as represented by the ministers of Foreign Affairs, International Trade and International Development, 2019

Table of Contents

Ministers’ message

The Honourable Chrystia Freeland Minister of Foreign Affairs
The Honourable Chrystia Freeland Minister of Foreign Affairs
The Honourable James Gordon Carr Minister of International Trade Diversification
The Honourable James Gordon Carr Minister of International Trade Diversification

On behalf of Global Affairs Canada, we are pleased to present the 2017 to 2018 Report on Fees.

On June 22, 2017, the Service Fees ActFootnote 1 received Royal Assent, thereby replacing the User Fees ActFootnote 2.

The Service Fees Act introduces a modern legislative framework that enables cost-effective delivery of services and, through enhanced reporting to Parliament, improves transparency and oversight.

The Act allows for:

This 2017 to 2018 Fees Report is the first report to be prepared under the Service Fees Act.

We welcome the increased transparency and oversight that the Service Fees Act’s reporting regime embodies, and we are fully committed to transitioning the department to this modern framework.

General fees information

The tables that follow provide information on each category of fees, including:

In addition to the information presented by fee category, there is a summary of the financial information for all fees as well as a listing of fees under the department’s authority. This listing includes the existing fee amounts in dollars and the adjusted fee amounts in dollars for a future year.

General and financial information by fee category

Global Affairs Canada fees apply to three general areas of operation: access to information, export/import permits, and consular services.  In each of these areas, the department endeavours to ensure that Canadians are satisfied with the services received and that service standards are met.

Access to Information Act fees

General information

Fee category

Fees for processing requests filed under the Access to Information Act

Fee-setting authority

Section 11 of the Access to Information ActFootnote 3 (ATIA) and section 7 of the Access to Information Regulations

Year introduced


Year last amended


Service standard

Canadian citizens, permanent residents and any individual or corporation present in Canada can make a request under the Access to Information Act for records held by the Government of Canada. The Act requires the disclosure of all records, with certain exceptions. These include Cabinet documents and information that could be injurious to Canada’s security or economy, federal-provincial relations, and international affairs. Requests receive a response within 30 calendar days, unless there is an extension in accordance with section 9 of the Act.

Performance results

Statutory deadlines were met 78 percent of the time and 43 percent of requests were completed within a 30 day period.

Other information

Estimated full cost is based on projected staffing of 64 full-time employees.

Financial information (dollars)

2016 to 2017 
2017 to 2018
2017 to 2018
2017 to 2018




Not applicable

* The amount includes direct and indirect costs, where such costs are identifiable and material.
† A remission is a partial or full return of a fee paid.  Under the Service Fees Act departments are required to develop policies that determine when fees will be remitted to fee payers should service standards not be met. The requirement for departments to remit fees is anticipated to come into effect on March 31, 2020. This effective date allows departments time to develop remissions policies and adjust service standard tracking and remittance systems.  During fiscal year 2017 to 2018, some departments may have issued remissions, in accordance with their authority under their enabling legislation or regulations, as opposed to the authority given by the Service Fees Act. It is remissions issued under enabling legislation or regulations that are shown above.

Export/import permit fees

General information

Fee categoryExport/import permit fees
Fee-setting authorityExport and Import Permits ActFootnote 4
Export and Import Permits and Certificates Fees OrderFootnote 5
Year introduced1995
Year last amended1995
Service standardThe authority to control the import and export of goods and technologies through the emission of permits is derived from the Export and Import Permits Act.  Mainly, trade controls are implemented for economic reasons and they are an important element of Canada’s free trade agenda. They: ensure that Canadians and Canadian businesses are able to benefit from an open global trading regime, while also supporting vulnerable Canadian industries and important Canadian policies, such as supply management. In addition, export controls over dual-use, military and strategic goods and technology are designed to ensure that our exports are consistent with Canadian foreign and defence policies.
The department has several export/import permit service standards, some of which vary based on the nature of the permit. They are as follows:
  • Deliver non-strategic, non-routed import and export permits within 15 minutes of the time of application.
  • Within four business hours, process permit applications that are automatically redirected (routed) to departmental officers or that have been flagged for an officer's review by the applicant when no additional information or documentation is required.
  • Within three business days, process permit applications for B.C. logs that are automatically redirected (routed) to departmental officers.
  • Within five business days, process permit applications for firearms that are automatically redirected (routed) to departmental officers.
  • For applications for permits to export controlled military and strategic goods and technology from eligible exporters who have provided all required supporting documentation, process within 10 working days where consultation outside the bureau is not required and within 40 business days where consultation is required.
Performance resultsThe service standards were met 95 percent of the time.
Other informationN/A

Financial information (dollars)

2016 to 2017
2017 to 2018
2017 to 2018
2017 to 2018
* The amount includes direct and indirect costs, where such costs are identifiable and material.
† A remission is a partial or full return of a fee paid.  Under the Service Fees Act, departments are required to develop policies that determine when fees will be remitted to fee payers should service standards not be met. The requirement for departments to remit fees is anticipated to come into effect on March 31, 2020. This effective date allows departments time to develop remissions policies and adjust service standard tracking and remittance systems.  During fiscal year 2017 to 2018, some departments may have issued remissions, in accordance with their authority under their enabling legislation or regulations, as opposed to the authority given by the Service Fees Act. It is remissions issued under enabling legislation or regulations that are shown above.

Consular service fees

General information

Fee categoryConsular services fees
Fee-setting authorityConsular Services Fees Regulations pursuant to the Department of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development ActFootnote 6
Year introduced1995
Year last amended1995
Service standard

Consular services are provided to Canadians 24 hours a day, seven days a week, at approximately 260 points of service around the world. Outside regular business hours, calls are forwarded to the Emergency Watch and Response Centre in Ottawa. Emergency situations are dealt with immediately.
Consular services provided to Canadians are detailed in the Canadian Consular Services Charter and assessed based on written service standards (established in 1995) with qualitative and quantitative indicators. The service standards are available at Consular Services: Service StandardsFootnote 7 as well as at all missions abroad, where they are either in public view or can be provided by employees.
Consular services are currently grouped under the following service standards categories:

  1. Protection and Assistance
  2. Contact with Prisoners
  3. Passports and Citizenship
  4. Information—Canada/Third Countries
  5. Information—Local
  6. Legal and Notary

Every effort is made to obtain solutions for specific problems and to provide the required service. However, the department’s ability to do so and its success are conditioned, in many instances, by the laws and regulations of other countries, as well as the quality and level of cooperation offered by persons and organizations outside the Government of Canada.
The service standards are currently under review.
To note, a fee of $25 is applied to a travel document that is issued to a person of at least 16 years of age and is paid when the application for the document is made.

Performance resultsOf the 3,680 Canadians who completed a client feedback form in 2017 to 2018, 91 percent reported that they were satisfied or very satisfied with the services received. Canada’s missions abroad are currently asked to contact arrested or detained persons within 24 hours. For long term detainees, the frequency of contact reflects local conditions: once every 3 months (e.g. in much of Latin America, Africa and Asia), once every 6 months (e.g. in much of western Europe) or once every 12 months (e.g. in the United States, where approximately two-thirds of detainees are located). These standards serve as guidelines for our consular officers and can be modified as required depending on needs and conditions. As of March 31, 2018, more than 85 percent of detainee cases met their regional standard.
Other informationN/A

Financial information (dollars)

2016 to 2017
2017 to 2018 
2017 to 2018
2017 to 2018
104,710,773102,375,280122,456,630Not applicable 

* The amount includes direct and indirect costs, where such costs are identifiable and material.
† A remission is a partial or full return of a fee paid. Under the Service Fees Act, departments are required to develop policies that determine when fees will be remitted to fee payers should service standards not be met. The requirement for departments to remit fees is anticipated to come into effect on March 31, 2020. This effective date allows departments time to develop remissions policies and adjust service standard tracking and remittance systems.  During fiscal year 2017 to 2018, some departments may have issued remissions, in accordance with their authority under their enabling legislation or regulations, as opposed to the authority given by the Service Fees Act. It is remissions issued under enabling legislation or regulations that are shown above.

Specialised consular service fees

General information

Fee categorySpecialized consular services fees
Fee-setting authorityConsular Fees (Specialized Services) RegulationsFootnote 8, pursuant to paragraph 19 (1) (a) of the Financial Administration Act
Year introduced1988
Year last amended2010
Service standardConsular services provided to Canadians are detailed in the Canadian Consular Services Charter and assessed based on written service standards (established in 1995) with qualitative and quantitative indicators. The service standards are available at Consular Services: Service Standardsas well as at all missions abroad, where they are either in public view or can be provided by employees. Specialized consular services include notarial services (such as affidavits and statutory declarations), other services related to documents (such as authentication) and assistance with financial transfers. Specialized consular services are grouped under the following service standards categories:
  1. Protection and Assistance
  2. Legal and Notary
Clients are invited to comment if they have not received the level of service they expected or if they wish to make suggestions.
The service standards for specialized consular services are currently under review.
Performance resultsNinety percent of 259 clients reported overall satisfaction with the legal and notary services they received.
Other informationN/A

Financial information (dollars)

2016 to 2017 
2017 to 2018 
2017 to 2018
2017 to 2018 
2,348,0422,230,5993,925,049Not applicable
* The amount includes direct and indirect costs, where such costs are identifiable and material.
† A remission is a partial or full return of a fee paid.  Under the Service Fees Act, departments are required to develop policies that determine when fees will be remitted to fee payers should service standards not be met. The requirement for departments to remit fees is anticipated to come into effect on March 31, 2020. This effective date allows departments time to develop remissions policies and adjust service standard tracking and remittance systems.  During fiscal year 2017 to 2018, some departments may have issued remissions, in accordance with their authority under their enabling legislation or regulation, as opposed to the authority given by the Service Fees Act. It is remissions issued under enabling legislation or regulations that are shown above.

Financial totals for all fee categories

Total revenues, cost and remissions (dollars)

2016 to 2017
Total revenue
2017 to 2018
Total revenue
2017 to 2018
Total cost
2017 to 2018
Total remissions
Note: the totals are the sums of the revenues, costs and remissions reported for all fee categories in the “Financial information” tables.

Fees under the department’s authority

Fee amounts for 2017 to 2018, 2019 to 2020, and a future fiscal year, as applicable (dollars)

Export/import permits fees

2017 to 2018 2017–2018 
Fee amount
2019 to 2020
Adjusted fee amount*
Future fee amount and fiscal year†
1. Export permit or certificate issued by the Trade Controls Bureau (TID) of Global Affairs Canada$14 each$14.30 eachNot applicable
2. Export permit or certificate delivered by a customs broker's office that is authorized by the Minister of Foreign Affairs to make such delivery. The $9 fee does not include any fees for services incidental to the delivery of the permit or certificate.$9 each$9.20 eachNot applicable
3. Where the import permit is delivered by a person who is not employed in the public service of Canada but who is authorized by the Minister to make the delivery, the fee varies depending on the total value of the goods in respect of which the import permit is issued.
  • Less than $1,000 = $10
  • $1,000 or more but less than $5,000 = $14
  • $5,000 or more but less than $10,000 = $18
  • $10,000 or more but less than $20,000 = $22
  • $20,000 and over = $26
  • Less than $1,000 = $10.20
  • $1,000 or more but less than $5,000 = $14.30
  • $5,000 or more but less than $10,000 = $18.40
  • $10,000 or more but less than $20,000 = $22.50
  • $20,000 and over = $26.55
Not applicable
4. Where the import permit is delivered by the departments Trade Controls Bureau (TID), the fee varies depending on the total value of the goods in respect of which the import permit is issued.
  • Less than $1,000 = $15
  • $1,000 or more but less than $5,000 = $19
  • $5,000 or more but less than $10,000 = $23
  • $10,000 or more but less than $20,000 = $27
  • $20,000 and over = $31
  • Less than $1,000 = $15.35
  • $1,000 or more but less than $5,000 = $19.40
  • $5,000 or more but less than $10,000 = $23.50
  • $10,000 or more but less than $20,000 = $27.60
  • $20,000 and over = $31.70
Under review

Consular services fees

2017 to 2018 2017–2018 
Fee amount
2019 to 2020
Adjusted fee amount*
Future fee amount and fiscal year†
-$25$25.55Not applicable

Specialized consular services fees

2017 to 2018 2017–2018 
Fee amount
2019 to 2020
Adjusted fee amount*
Future fee amount and fiscal year†
1. Administering an oath, receiving an affidavit, declaration or affirmation or attesting any document bearing a signature$50 per document$51.10 per documentNot applicable
2. Attesting the execution of a document, other than a certificate of origin or a document in support of a consignment of goods$50 per document$51.10 per documentNot applicable
3. Authenticating the signature and seal of a foreign authority, including an officially authorized translator$50 per document$51.10 per documentNot applicable
4. Obtaining a legalization or other certification from a foreign authority in respect of any document (in addition to costs charged by the foreign authority, if any)$50 per document$51.10 per documentNot applicable
5. Executing a document or preparing an exhibit or a parcel not otherwise provided for in this schedule$50 per document$51.10 per documentNot applicable
6. Initialling alterations in any document not prepared by a consular officer$25 per page$25.55 per pageNot applicable
7.Uniting documents and sealing their fastening$30$30.65Not applicable
8. Preparing in English or French any certificate, affidavit, declaration or other document not otherwise provided for in this schedule, excluding any printed words where printed forms are used (in addition to the fee set out in item 1, 2 or 5, if applicable)
  • $30 per document for less than 200 words
  • $60 per document for 200 words or more and less than 500 words
  • $80 per document for 500 words or more and less than 1,000 words
  • $0.10 per word for 1,000 words or more
a) $30.65 per document for less than 200 words b) $61.30 per document for 200 words or more and less than 500 words c) $81.75 per document for 500 words or more and less than 1,000 words d) $0.10 per word for 1,000 words or moreNot applicable
9. Making a copy of a document not otherwise provided for in this schedule
  • $30 per page by word processing, for 100 words or less
  • $3 per copy by photographic process
a) $30.65 per page by word processing, for 100 words or less b) $3.05 per copy by photographic processNot applicable
10. Certifying a copy of a document$20 per page$20.45 per pageNot applicable
11. Preparing, signing and sealing a declaration of existence                          $30 per document$30.65 per documentNot applicable
12. Signing and sealing a declaration of existence$20 per document$20.45 per documentNot applicable
13. Making an unofficial translation of a document, from one to the other of Canada’s official languages, from a foreign language to English or French, or from English or French to a foreign languagea) $15 for 100 words or less b) $0.22 per word for over 100 words or $60 per letter size page, whichever is the lessera) $15.30 for 100 words or less b) $0.22 per word for over 100 words or $61.30 per letter size page, whichever is the lesserNot applicable
14. Issuing a letter addressed to a foreign authority for the granting of a visa, a residence permit, an exit permit or any other similar service$50 per letter$51.10 per letterNot applicable
15. Obtaining a copy of a document in the registers or records of the local authorities$125 per document$127.75 per documentNot applicable
16. Distributing the personal effects of a deceased Canadian citizen and administering their estate in full or in part,    a) $100 where the total current market value of the personal effects and the estate or part of the estate is CAN$500 or more and less than CAN$3,000 b) $200 where the total current market value of the personal effects and the estate or part of the estate is CAN$3,000 or morea) $102.20 where the total current market value of the personal effects and the estate or part of the estate is CAN$500 or more and less than $3,000 b) $204.40 where the total current market value of the personal effects and the estate or part of the estate is CAN$3,000 or moreNot applicable
17. Transmitting of documents in private legal matters by formal note to the local authorities, including any necessary certification$50 per document$51.10 per documentNot applicable
18. Service of documents in private legal matters performed at the mission, if an affidavit of service is provided$50 per document$51.10 per documentNot applicable
19. Service of documents in private legal matters performed where the mission must prepare or provide an affidavit of service$50 per document$51.10 per documentNot applicable
20. Where a Canadian consular officer is authorized by the Department of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development to be named as a Commissioner by a Canadian court to take testimony from witnesses abroad for use in Canadian court proceedingsa) $150 per person per hour or part of an hour for services of a consular officer acting as a Commissioner, within the consular premises  b) $50 per notice for sending a notice to appear, in the language of the country concerned  c) $50 per person for the swearing of witnesses, court stenographers, translators, legal counsel or any other person  d) $60 for certifying a transcript as correct, including uniting documents and sealing their fastening  e) $60 per person per hour or part of an hour for the services of an employee of the mission as an interpreter  f) $60 per person per hour or part of an hour for the services of a stenographer or typist supplied by the missiona) $153.30 per person per hour or part of an hour for services of a consular officer acting as a Commissioner, within the consular premises b) $51.10 per notice for sending a notice to appear, in the language of the country concerned c) $51.10 per person for the swearing of witnesses, court stenographers, translators, legal counsel or any other person d) $61.30 for certifying a transcript as correct, including uniting documents and sealing their fastening e) $61.30 per person per hour or part of an hour for the services of an employee of the mission as an interpreter f) $61.30 per person per hour or part of an hour for the services of a stenographer or typist supplied by the missionNot applicable
21. Preparing and sending a communication for the primary benefit of non-government persons, organizations and groups              
  • $30 per document for less than 200 words
  • $60 per document for 200 words or more and less than 500 words
  • $80 per document for 500 words or more and less than 1,000 words
  • $0.10 per word for 1,000 words or more
a) $30.65 per document for less than 200 words b) $61.30 per document for 200 words or more and less than 500 words c) $81.75 per document for 500 words or more and less than 1,000 words d) $0.10 per word for 1,000 words or moreNot applicable
22. Setting up and maintaining a trust account to transfer funds to, or on behalf of, a Canadian citizen in need in a foreign country$70 per account, per year or part of a year$71.55 per account, per year or part of a yearNot applicable
23. Arranging for and effecting the transfer of private or public funds from Canada or elsewhere to the mission$75 per transfer$76.65 per transferNot applicable

* Fees are adjusted annually in one of two ways: (1) Under the Service Fees Act, fees are adjusted in each fiscal year by the percentage change over 12 months in the April All-Items Consumer Price Index for Canada, as published by Statistics Canada, for the previous fiscal year. The Consumer Price Index rate for this report is 2.2 percent. (2) The fee is subject to a periodic adjustment at a predetermined rate, in accordance with another authority in the legislation or regulations.
† The “Future fee amount and fiscal year” is the new amount of the fee, in a future fiscal year other than 2019 to 2020, adjusted by a predetermined rate, in accordance with the authority in the legislation or regulations.
** Some of the fees identified in the “2019 to 2020 Adjusted fee amount” column may not be adjusted as indicated here if the Treasury Board makes regulations with regard to low materiality fees before the fee’s adjustment date and the fee is considered to be a low materiality fee pursuant to those regulations.  The regulations, currently under development, are targeted to come into force sometime between April 1, 2019 and March 31, 2020. The department may also seek authority to make periodic, rather than annual, adjustments.

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