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Exploratory discussions for a possible Canada-ASEAN free trade agreement

The conclusion of exploratory discussions for a possible Canada-ASEAN free trade agreement (FTA) was announced on September 10, 2019, at the ASEAN Economic Ministers (AEM) -Canada Consultations in Bangkok, Thailand.

Canada and the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) member states launched exploratory discussions for a possible Canada-ASEAN FTA on September 8th, 2017. The first set of face-to-face exploratory discussions took place July 11-12, 2018, in Singapore. A second set of exploratory discussions was held on April 7-8, 2019, in Laos. The discussions served as an opportunity for Canada and ASEAN to exchange information about each other’s typical approach to FTA negotiations and respective domestic regulatory regimes, and to explore the elements of a possible Canada-ASEAN FTA.

From September 1 to October 16, 2018, the Government also conducted public consultations to seek the views of Canadians on a possible FTA with ASEAN. A summary of these consultations was published in February 2019. The Government is committed to continuing to engage Canadians on a possible FTA with ASEAN.

The Government of Canada aims to expand trade and investment with large, fast-growing markets, including ASEAN. Together, ASEAN member states represent the fifth largest economy in the world, and Canada’s sixth largest trading partner.

Contact us

We continue to welcome your views and invite you to send your comments regarding a possible Canada-ASEAN FTA at any time:

Trade Policy and Negotiations - Asia (TCA)
Global Affairs Canada
125 Sussex Drive
Ottawa, ON K1A 0G2
Fax: 613-944-5119

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