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CETA Joint Committee Meeting

Montreal, September 26, 2018

Provisional Agenda for Canada-European Union Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA) Joint Committee Plenary Session

1. Welcome and Opening Statements

  1. Canada
  2. EU

2. Procedural Items

  1. Adoption of the Joint Committee plenary agenda (Canada to introduce)
  2. Adoption of the Joint Committee Rules of Procedure (EU to introduce)

3. Reporting from the Specialised Committees (Canadian and EU officials to highlight respective points from CETA Specialised Committees)

  1. Canada’s perspectives on reporting from the Specialised Committees, including on:
    1. EU Country of origin labeling (COOL) Measures
    2. Administration of Beef and pork Tariff-Rate Quota
  2. EU’s perspectives on reporting from the Specialised Committees, including on:
    1. Management of the CETA Cheese Tariff-Rate Quota
    2. Access to the Canadian Wines & Spirits market
    3. Implementation and enforcement of CETA provisions on geographical indications
  3. Joint update on Implementation of the Trade and Sustainable Development Chapter and the Trade and Sustainable Development Review (Canada to introduce)
  4. Joint update on ongoing work on the Investment Court System (EU to introduce)
  5. Opportunity for comments and exchange
  6. Adoption of Recommendations:
    1. Recommendation on Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (Canada)
    2. Recommendation on Climate Change and the Paris Agreement (EU)
    3. Recommendation on Trade and Gender (Canada)

4. Conclusion of Plenary Meeting

  1. Next Meeting of the CETA Joint Committee (EU)
  2. Brief Closing Statements
    1. Canada
    2. EU

Signature of Official Documents by Co-Chairs, Minister Carr and Commissioner Malmström

Official Photos

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