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Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA)

Meeting of Committee on Geographical indications


17 May 2018


  1. Opening Remarks and Adoption of the Agenda

EU Issues:

  1. Implementation of CETA: list of companies benefiting from grandfathering clause.
  2. Enforcement of CETA provisions – Rules regarding illegal use of EU GI names in Canada.
    • 3.1 General enforcement issues
    • 3.2 Cheeses
  3. Corrigendum "Prosciutto S. Daniele"
  4. Level of protection for EU wines and spirits vs. agricultural and food product GIs
  5. Cost of registration of multiple-term names

Canada Issues:

  1. Update on EU Member States internal infringement proceedings
  2. Clarification on treatment of GIs pursuant to Commission implementing regulation on origin labelling (EU COOL)
  3. Update on European Commission’s progress to enumerate EU “responsible authorities” for the CETA GIs
  4. Any Other Business
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