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Tariff preferences for Canadian exports to Korea

Note: Tariff information is provided for indicative purposes only. The tariff treatment of a good exported to Korea depends on its specific tariff classification as determined by the Korea Customs Service.

Consult the Canada Tariff Finder to explore tariff information for the Korean market under the CKFTA, and other foreign markets with which Canada has a free trade agreement.

Canadian exporters of the following goods to Korea benefit from the following tariff preferences under the CKFTA:

Table of contents 

Comments and questions on the CKFTA can be sent directly to our Trade Commissioner Service.

Alcoholic beverages

Animal feed


Tariff preferences for key Canadian beef exports to Korea: 


Tariff preferences for key Canadian grain exports to Korea:



Tariff preferences for key Canadian pork exports to Korea: 

Processed food products

Tariff preferences for key Canadian processed food products exported to Korea: 


Tariff preferences for key Canadian pulses exports to Korea: 

Fish and seafood

Tariff preferences for major Canadian fish and seafood exports to Korea: 

Forest products


Automotive products

Chemical products

Clean technology


Information and communication technologies

Machinery and equipment

Medical devices

Metal products



Scientific instruments

Textiles and apparel

Date Modified: