Republic of South Africa Trade and Investment Cooperation Arrangement (TICA)
Republic of South Africa
Signed at Ottawa, Canada, September 24, 1998
Trade and Investment Cooperation Arrangement between the Government of Canada and the Government of the Republic of South Africa
The Government of Canada and the Government of the Republic of South Africa, hereinafter jointly referred to as 'the Parties"; and in the singular as "a party";
- Inspired by the strong desire to strengthen the traditional ties of fiimLship and cooperation existing between them;
- Determined to contribute, through bade and investment, to achieving greater well-being for their peoples;
- Building on their mutual commitment to the World Trade
- Copnvinced of the importance of reinforcing the flow of trade in goods and services;
- Noting the value of promoting a havourable environment for trade and investment;
- Recognizing that direct foreign investment provides benefits to both countries;
- Recognizing their commitment to respect, promote and realize fundamental labour rights based on the core conventions of the International Labour Organization;
- Reaffirming their commitment to achieving economic development and greater integration of developing countries into the global economy;
- Have reached the following understanding:
Article I
The Parties will seek to:
1. enhance economic relations between the two countries, in particular in trade in goods and services and in investment;
2. strengthen cooperation with a view to liberalizing trade between them in accordance with the principles of the World Trade Organization,
3. promote a favourable environment and complementary, activities to encourage private sector investment between the countries;
4. highlight the importance of private sector trade and investment initiatives as sources of prosperity and means of promoting economic development.
Article II
Trade and Investment Cooperation
To encourage the expansion of bilateral trade and investment relations, the Parties will undertake initiatives in areas such as the following, as specified in the Action Plan attached to, this Arrangement:
1. Promotion of expanded business contacts as the means of encouraging broader trade and investment links between the private sectors of the two countries;
2. Support for trade promotion activities;
3. Exchange of views and information on bilateral and multilateral trade in goods' and services and investment;
4. Identification of measures that impede or distort bilateral trade and investment flows and work toward the removal of such measures;
5. Finalization and implementation of a bilateral foreign investment promotion and protection agreement;
6. Development of training in trade-related areas;
7. Identification of possible area of trade and investment that offer potential for increasing trade flows between the countries and to third markets.
Article III
Consultative Group
1. The Parties establish a Consultative Group on Trade and Investment Cooperation, hereinafter referred to as "the Consultative Group" to ensure the implementation of this Arrangement and the fulfilment of its objectives, in particular, progress in implementing the Action Plan attached to this Arrangement. The Consultative Group may periodically revise the attached Action Plan.
2. In the Consultative Group, the Government of Canada will be represented by the Minister for International Trade and the Government of South Africa will be represented by the Minister of Trade and Industry, or their designees. Each Party will determine the composition of its own delegations to meetings of the Consultative Group.
3. The Consultative Group will convene periodically, ordinarily once every 18 months. The meetings of the Consultative Group will alternate between Canada and South Africa, as may be arranged by the Parties. Sessions of the Consultative Group will be chaired by the host Party.
Article IV
Either Party may request consultations with the other Party regarding any questions relative to bilateral trade and investment relations. Such consultations win take place promptly.
Article V
Final Clauses
1. Nothing in this Arrangement affects the respective rights and obligations of either Party to the other Party under Agreements, Conventions or other instruments to which they are both Parties.
2. This Arrangement may be amended by the written concurrence of both Parties.
3. The Arrangement comes into effect upon signature and will remain in effect unless terminated by either Party on 180 days notice to the other Party.
Done in duplicate at Ottawa, on September 24, 1998, in the English and French languages, each language version being equally valid.for the government of Canada and for the government of the Republic of South Africa.
Action Plan
1. This Action Plan constitutes an integral part of the Trade and Investment Cooperation Arrangement between the Government of Canada and the Government of the Republic of South Africa, signed at Ottawa on September 24, 1998.
2. The Action Plan, in conformity with the objectives of thist Arrangement, comprises the following:
- a. Expansion of trade and investment dialogue and strengthening of economic cooperation:
- cooperation in the World Trade Organization and other appropriate for a regarding issues of common interest;
- consultations on area of mutual interest in the Cairns Group;
- support for trade policy capacity building, in areas such as bade negotiations, through activities including visits by specialists, workshops and officer exchanges;
- identification of options and appropriate actions in order to facilitate trade and to improve market access for goods and services;
- finalization and implementation of the Foreign Investment Promotion and Protection Agreement between the Parties;
- ongoing cooperation in the context of international labour standards, with particular reference to the promotion of the Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work of the International Labour Organization;
- establishment of a dialogue on a possible General Security of Information Agreement between the Parties.
- b. Promotion of trade and investment:
- fostering of business links in key sectors, including communications, transportation, mining and other resource sectors, education, information technology, and engineering services, including environmental goods and services;
- encouragement of small and medium-sized enterprises' participation in bilateral trade;
- promotion of trade by means of business missions, trade fairs, strategic venturing initiatives, symposia, conferences and technical presentations;
- encouragement of joint efforts by the private sectors of both Parties in third country markets;
- encouragement of business links being developed through the twinning efforts of Canadian and South African provinces; .
- pursuit of a collaborative Centre of Excellence in the area of advanced tele-learning in the Republic of South Africa, for eventual export to other markets in Africa.
Updated on August 29, 2002
- Date Modified: