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Consolidated TPP Text – Annex IV – Schedule of Brunei Darussalam

Obligations Concerned: Article 17.4.1(a) (Non-discriminatory Treatment and Commercial Considerations), with respect to the purchase of services.

Entity: All state-owned enterprises engaged in the petroleum industry.

Scope of Non-conforming Activities: Unless as may otherwise be authorised, the Government of Brunei Darussalam may require an Entity involved in the petroleum industry within the territory of Brunei Darussalam to purchase the services listed in Appendix A to Annex I – Brunei Darussalam – 36 either from:

The preferences to services described above are granted pursuant to the entry at Annex I – Brunei Darussalam – 36. For greater certainty, Brunei has not scheduled against Article 17.4.1(b) (Non-discriminatory Treatment and Commercial Considerations) for these preferences by virtue of Article 17.2.11 (Scope).

Measures: Local Business Development Directive No. 2 of the Energy Department, Prime Minister’s Office.

Obligations Concerned: Article 17.4.1(a) (Non-discriminatory Treatment and Commercial Considerations), with respect to the sale of goods or services.

Article 17.4.2(a) (Non-discriminatory Treatment and Commercial Considerations), with respect to the sale of goods or services.

Entity: All state-owned enterprises or designated monopolies engaged in the supply of natural gas or manufactured petrochemical products and their derivatives.

Scope of Non-conforming Activities: Brunei Darussalam may require the Entity to accord preferential rates in the sale of natural gas or manufactured petrochemical products and their derivatives:

in the territory of Brunei Darussalam.

Obligations Concerned: Article 17.6.1(b) (Non-commercial Assistance)

Article 17.6.2(b) (Non-commercial Assistance)

Entity: Brunei National Petroleum Company Sdn. Bhd., PB Trading Sdn. Bhd. and PB Services Sdn. Bhd. and their successors.

Scope of Non-conforming Activities: Brunei Darussalam may provide non-commercial assistance to the Entity with respect to its supply of the following services:

Transition Period: This entry shall cease to have effect three years after entry into force of this Agreement for Brunei Darussalam.

Obligations Concerned: Article 17.4 (Non-discriminatory Treatment and Commercial Considerations)

Article 17.6 (Non-commercial Assistance)

Entity: Brunei Investment Agency and any other special purpose investment fund owned by the Brunei Investment Agency, or the Government of Brunei Darussalam that engages exclusively in the scope of activities described below.

Scope of Non-conforming Activities: Investment and asset management, using the financial assets of the Government of Brunei Darussalam.

Brunei Darussalam has been an observer of the Working Group of the International Forum of Sovereign Wealth Funds (“the Forum”) and is exploring membership of the Forum.

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