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CUSMA: Cream TRQ – Serial No. 1016
Date: June 15, 2020
This Notice to Importers sets out the policies and practices pertaining to the administration of Canada’s tariff rate quota (TRQ) for cream under the Canada-United States-Mexico Agreement (CUSMA).
This Notice is provided pursuant to the authority of the Export and Import Permits Act (EIPA) and its corresponding regulations, and remains in effect until further notice.
Table of contents
1. Definitions
Cream means a product that is included in Item 117.1 of the Import Control List (ICL), namely cream falling under tariff item Nos. 0401.40.10 and 0401.50.10 in the list of tariff provisions set out in the Schedule to the Customs Tariff.
See the List of EIPA commodity codes for cream.
2. Allocation policy
- To be eligible, you must be active regularly in the Canadian food or agriculture industry at the time of application, and must remain active regularly during the quota year.
- Note: You must, in addition, have been active regularly in the Canadian food or agriculture industry during the reference period.
- Individual applicants and related persons applicants are eligible for only one allocation.
- Note: All applicants must provide a list of related persons.
- Note: In the case of separate applications from related persons involving a parent company and one or more subsidiaries, only the application nominated by the parent company is considered.
- You must specify in your application the minimum quantity of quota you will accept. If your calculated market share allocation is less than 20,000 kg, you are issued an allocation only if the quantity you have specified in your application is equal to or lower than your calculated market share allocation.
- The allocation to processors is for the importation of goods in bulk (not for retail sale) to be used as ingredients for further food processing (secondary manufacturing).
3. Eligibility criteria
You are eligible to apply for an allocation if you are a:
- That manufactures cream in your own provincially-licensed or federally-registered facility.
- That buys cream and resells it to other businesses.
- Note: Companies that procure or sell cream on behalf of others without taking ownership of or financial responsibility for the product are not eligible to apply for an allocation.
- Note: Retailers are not eligible to apply for an allocation. A retailer is an establishment that is primarily engaged in retailing food, and which buys cream and sells it directly to final consumers.
4. Calculation of allocations
- 85% is allocated to processors on a market share basis based on the kilograms of cream manufactured by the processor during the reference period for the importation of cream in bulk (not for retail sale) for processing into dairy products for use as ingredients for further processing.
- 15% is allocated to distributors on an equal share basis.
5. Transfer, return and under-utilization of allocations
- If you wish to transfer any portion of your allocation, you must submit a transfer request form.
- Note: If you transfer any portion of your allocation, you are not eligible to receive transfers from other allocation holders during the year. If you receive a transfer, you are not eligible to transfer any portion of your allocation.
- Note: Transfer requests will normally be considered and approved on a like-for-like basis. For example, an allocation issued for the importation of goods in bulk to be used as ingredients for further food processing will be approved for transfer on this basis. The Department may require evidence that the transferred allocation is utilized in accordance with the conditions under which the TRQ was originally allocated.
- You may return any portion of your allocation to the Department in writing by the prescribed return date.
- Note: Returned quantities will normally be made available seven days after the return date to eligible allocation holders, who have not returned any portion of their allocation, in proportion to their initial allocation, or on demand if quantities still remain after the first offer.
- If you use less than 95% of your allocation in one year, you may have your allocation adjusted downward by an under-utilization penalty in the following year.
- Note: Any portion of your allocation that you transfer or return in accordance with the present policy is considered to have been used.
6. Related links
- General Information on the Administration of Import Tariff Rate Quotas (TRQs) for Supply-Managed Products
- Key dates and access quantities
- Information on related persons
- How to apply for an allocation
- How to apply for an import permit
- Allocation transfer request form
- Contact us
- Date Modified: