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Import of Wheat, Barley and their Products - Serial No. 1072

Date: April 14, 2022

This notice replaces Notice to Importers Serial No. 791 dated August 9, 2011, and is updated to clarify access related to the covered goods under certain free-trade agreements and to distinguish the over access/within access classification from the applicable rate of duty for certain retail form products. Additionally, the references to Supplementary Feed Grain Imports and the Canadian Wheat Board Act have been removed.

The purpose of this Notice is to inform importers of the rules and procedures governing the administration of the tariff rate quotas (TRQs) for wheat, barley and their products.

This Notice is provided pursuant to the authority of the Export and Import Permits Act (EIPA) and its corresponding regulations, and remains in effect until further notice.

Table of contents


Wheat, barley and their products refer to items 161 to 191 of the Import Control List (ICL).

Eligibility criteria

Any resident of Canada may import wheat, barley and their products under this tariff rate quota.

A resident of Canada is defined as:


See the coverage and coefficients of conversion for the various products covered.

See the access level and key dates.


The quota year for wheat, barley and their products is August 1 to July 31.

In order to import wheat, barley and their products, you must cite the relevant General Import Permit on your customs import document.

For first-come, first-served imports at the applicable “within access commitment” (lower) rate of duty, you may cite GIP No. 20, until the TRQ has been filled. Based on the quantity of goods accounted for at CBSA or placed in bond, the date on which the TRQ is expected to be filled is made available online, and is communicated in a Message to Industry, in order to minimize disruptions to transactions in progress.

GIP No. 100 must be cited on your import documentation once the TRQ has been fill and until the start of the next quota year.

GIP No. 100 provides for unlimited imports at the applicable duty rate, which is generally the “over access commitment” (higher) rate of duty. However, imports of these goods from certain free trade partner countries may continue to receive the lower rate of duty for unlimited imports, as long as the appropriate tariff treatment/trade agreement is invoked in the relevant import document.

Additionally, in the case of some barley and wheat products in retail form, the “within access” and “over access” rates of duty are the same.

All imports must comply with relevant legal requirements, such as those applicable by CBSA or CFIA.

If you have questions regarding tariff classification, rates of duty and permits, you may contact the Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) at 1-800-461-9999.

Additionally, you may contact the Canadian Food inspection Agency at 1-800-835-4486 for further information on import requirements.

For additional information, please Contact Us.

Supplementary commercial imports

Supplemental imports of these goods may be authorized at "within access commitment" rates of duty after the applicable import TRQ has been filled, where the availability of like or directly substitutable products on the Canadian market is limited.  Shipment-specific permits are required for authorized supplemental imports.

In order to request a supplementary import authorization, you must send your request to, along with the following supporting documentation:

Products imported for personal use

Any Canadian resident may import wheat, barley, and their products at the lower rate of duty for personal and household use under the authority of GIP No. 3. While there is no limit as to the quantity that you may import, you must comply with all other applicable regulations (e.g. respecting seeds).

If a form prescribed under the Customs Act requires reporting the goods imported under this GIP, you shall include in it the following statement: "Imported under the authority of General Import Permit No. 3: Wheat and Wheat products and Barley and Barley Products for Personal Use".

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