List of notices to importers, exporters and brokers

Note: Notices to importers, exporters and brokers

This page contains a list of current notices to importers/exporters/brokers. You can also access archived notices to importers/exporters/brokers.

Supply managed notices

Important updates

Administrative information

Agricultural exports

Agricultural imports

Import for Re-export Program policies, conditions and administrative requirements are set out in the Notice to Importers on Supplemental Imports. Note that the IREP is subject to the restriction on drawback and duty deferral programs as set out in Article 303(1)(b) of the NAFTA. Additional information related to IREP administrative procedures is available on the controlled products section of the web site.

Turkey and turkey products

Beef & veal


Notices to Importers

Peanut butter

Wheat, barley and their products

Sugar and sugar-containing products

Fish and seafood




Export controls

Notices to Exporters

Softwood lumber

Textiles & clothing

Notices to Exporters