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Canada – European Union (EU) Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA) - Exporting beef and pork to the EU: Simplified information for Canadian stakeholders

Under CETA, the European Union has established annual duty-free tariff-rate-quotas for fresh/chilled beef and veal, frozen/other beef and veal, and pork. The following table illustrates available quota (TRQ) quantities (measured in carcass weight equivalentFootnote 1) beginning on January 1 for these CETA TRQs during the Agreement’s implementation period.

 Fresh/chilled beef and vealFrozen/other beef and vealPork
Sept. 21 to Dec. 31, 2017 2,584 metric tonnes (MT)695 MT5,014 MT
201814,440 MT5,000 MT30,549 MT
201919,580 MT7,500 MT43,049 MT
202024,720 MT10,000 MT55,549 MT
202129,860 MT12,500 MT68,049 MT
From 2022 onwards35,000 MT15,000 MT80,549 MT

CETA Annex 2-A: Tariff elimination and its Tariff Schedules outline the CETA market access outcomes for Canada and the EU, including the tariff lines covered under each of the TRQs established under the agreement. Section A of CETA Annex 2-B: Declaration of the Parties concerning tariff rate quota administration, defines  the EU’s obligations with regards to administering its CETA beef and veal, and pork TRQs. Beef and veal, and pork originating in Canada, on importation into the EU, will benefit from preferential tariff treatment under CETA on the basis of an origin declaration. For additional information, please consult the CETA Protocol on Rules of Origin and Origin Procedures.

The EU administers these CETA TRQs by way of import licensing, with allocation through the EU’s “simultaneous examination method”, a process that includes participation from the import licence issuing authorities of the individual Member States. The Simultaneous Examination Method is described in Article 184(2)(b) of Regulation (EU) No. 1308/2013

The CETA quotas for the years 2017 to 2020 inclusive, are managed under Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2017/1585 - opening and providing for the administration of Union tariff quotas for fresh and frozen beef and veal and pigmeat originating in Canada.

From 2021 onwards, the CETA quotas are managed under the EU’s TRQ Review Regulations 2020/760  and 2020/761. Although the legal basis is changing, the management of the CETA quotas remains the same, and is detailed in Articles 46 and 66, as well as Annexes VIII (beef quotas under order numbers 09.4280 and 09.4281) and X (pigmeat quota under order number 09.4282) of Regulation 2020/761.

Eligible applicants

Annual CETA TRQ quantities are subdivided into four quarterly sub-periods, with an initial application period available to EU meat importers (see below) in the second month prior to the beginning of the quarter. If the quarterly quota is not fully allocated, then at the beginning of the following two months, the list of eligible applicants is expanded to include accredited meat processors and wholesalers (see below) in addition to meat importers.

Application process

Initial quarterly application period (November – February – May – August):  EU meat importers

Additional quarterly application periods (months other than November, February, May and August): EU meat importers, accredited meat processors & wholesalers

EU import requirements

It is important to note that the provisional application of CETA on September 21, 2017 does not change EU import requirements and/or sanitary requirements.

Canadian establishments which intend to export meat and meat products to other countries must receive, store, process, and/or ship only meat and meat product that is compliant with the Safe Food for Canadians Regulations.

In addition, exporters of meat, meat products and meat preparations must comply with the European Union export requirements for meat and poultry products, where information such as how a Canadian establishment can apply to become eligible to export to the EU can be found.

For the export of meat products, an Official Meat Inspection Certificate and/or animal health certificate will need to accompany the shipment. For more information, please consult the nearest regional CFIA office.

Information for Canadian exporters on country-specific implementation aspects can be identified by contacting the Trade Commissioner Service. Trade Commissioners can also assist in connecting potential EU buyers and importers with prospective Canadian exporters.

We recommend that Canadian exporters and EU importers work closely together to inform each other of the various export and import requirements applicable for Canadian exports to the specific EU market.

Follow-up of allocated quantities

As for other import quotas managed with licences, the monthly allocations for the CETA quotas 09.4280 (fresh/chilled beef), 09.4281 (frozen beef) and 09.4282 (pigmeat) are published at the end of each month.

A broader overview can be found on the Agri-Food Data Portal, section Trade and Quotas.                                           

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