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Text of the 2017 Canada–Ukraine Free Trade Agreement – Chapter 15: Trade-related cooperation

The 2017 CUFTA will remain in force until entry into force of the 2023 modernized agreement.

Article 15.1: Trade-Related Cooperation

1. Recognizing that trade-related cooperation is a catalyst for the reforms and investments necessary to foster trade-driven economic growth and adjustment to liberalized trade, the Parties undertake to promote trade-related cooperation, with the following objectives:

2. Trade-related cooperation may include:

3. Trade-related cooperation may build on previous cooperation activities, and may include the subject matters set out in the indicative list in Annex 15-A.

4. The provisions of this Chapter are cooperative and are not subject to dispute settlement under Chapter 17 of this Agreement.

Article 15.2: Contact Points

1. Each Party designates a Contact Point to facilitate communication concerning the implementation of this Chapter.

2. The Contact Points may jointly work to establish guidelines for conducting their work and coordinate with other contact points and committees established under this Agreement, as required, on trade-related cooperation pursuant to the objectives of this Chapter.

3. The Contact Points may communicate by electronic mail, video-conferencing or any other means as decided by the Parties.

4. The Contact Points are:

Annex 15-A: Indicative List of Potential Subject Matters for Trade-Related Cooperation

1. Support for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs)

2. Agriculture

3. Standard-setting

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