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Gender Equality - Tools and resources

Find assistance and support for developing gender equality approaches in the digital world.


Services and information

Feminist International Assistance Gender Equality Toolkit for Projects

This toolkit provides guidance on how to plan for, implement, monitor and report on gender equality outcomes within the feminist approach.

Gender equality and empowerment measurement tool

Understanding and measuring the contribution of projects to women’s empowerment.

Playbook for Gender Equality in the Digital Age

The Playbook puts forward a set of best practices to support gender equality in digital contexts.

Framework for Assessing Gender Equality Results

How we assess the implementation of the policy on gender equality.

Mainstreaming of a Gender Perspective

How we ensure that programmes have intended and fair results for women and men.

Policy on gender equality

What the policy aims for and how it can be achieved.

Gender analysis

The methods used to understand relations between men and women.

Questions about culture, gender equality and development cooperation

What is the rapport between culture, gender equality and development cooperation?

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